When at length Solomon died the opportunity was at once seized to request from his son Rehoboam a more generous treatment. Her conduct excited popular indignation; and the consequent disorders, amounting almost to civil war, gave an opportunity to the ambition of Andronicus. The benediction "Peace be to this house," with which, in accordance with apostolic usage, he greeted every dwelling he entered, was not inappropriate to his figure and aspect, and it is said "took the people's attention wonderfully," the more especially after the magic of his personality found opportunity to reveal itself in close and homely intercourse. (seize, grasp) " Don't pass up the opportunity to travel overseas. With the autumn of 1847 the great opportunity of his life came. xvi., xxiii. But in practice there is every opportunity for skill. state of terror and despair are certainly false; but it must be regarded as singular and unfortunate that he, who had more than once gone out of his way to conform ostentatiously and with his tongue in his cheek, should have neglected or missed this last opportunity. They hadn't given him the opportunity to adjust to the idea before they were bombarding him with life altering decisions. 21. Now that his opportunity for a future with her was blown, she at least deserved the truth and he would find it. Prince Andrew had an opportunity of getting a good look at him, for Pfuel arrived soon after himself and, in passing through to the drawing room, stopped a minute to speak to Chernyshev. The first Bitcoin sentence: Bullshit or miracle opportunity? See also: golden, opportunity cash in on opportunity To take advantage of or benefit from an opportune moment or situation. She had the opportunity to search his room again, only it was impossible to find anything with the dark. The Poles, past-masters in the art of political intrigue, never lost an opportunity of imposing their hegemony. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Opportunity | Opportunity Sentence. They look down pityingly on the country-folk, who have never had an opportunity "to see the great world.". After the capture of Rome by the Italian troops in 1870 Edgar Mortara had the opportunity of reverting to Judaism, but he refused to do so, and not long afterwards became an Augustinian. Clients are offered an opportunity to attend various courses which are designed to enable them to live independently. There was an opportunity for networking between institutions with the objective of putting together collaborative bids. Of humble origin, he had risen to be chief of his native village when the invasion of Burma by the king of Pegu in 1752 gave him the opportunity of attaining to the highest distinction. 2. It seemed as if nothing could save the Austrians from complete disaster, but at the critical moment the emperor, yielding to the protestations of his corps commanders, who represented the excessive fatigue of their troops, stopped the pursuit, and the archduke made the most of his opportunity to restore order amongst his demoralized men, and crossed to the north bank of the Danube during the night. But in 1137 John Comnenus appeared, instigated by the opportunity of dissensions in Antioch, and received its long-denied homage, as well as that of Tripoli; while in the following year he entered into hostilities with Zengi, without, however, achieving any considerable result. About this time Hobbes had begun to be hard pressed by other foes, and, being never more sure of himself than upon the question of the will, he appears to have welcomed the opportunity thus given him of showing his strength. I avail myself of the present opportunity to send you my best wishes. Nor is this eminence merely due to his great opportunity in 1870; for Guizot might under Louis Philippe have almost made himself a French Walpole, at least a French Palmerston, and Lamartine's opportunities after 1848 were, for a man of political genius, illimitable. This in turn is in part because of the greater care which can be used in making these small lots, but probably in chief part because the crucible process excludes the atmospheric nitrogen, which injures the metal, and because it gives a good opportunity for the suspended slag and iron oxide to rise to the surface. The transformation of a sentence is all about changing its form without altering its meaning. This was Colonel Woodthorpe's opportunity, and he was then enabled to verify the results of W. Then follows a long period in which eastern Europe was mainly occupied in combating Asiatic invasions, and had little opportunity of Europeanizing the East. The same dignity appeared in the grave beauty of his features, though the abnormal height of his cranium afforded an opportunity for ridicule of which the comedians made full use. a golden opportunity An outstanding, perhaps even ideal, chance to do something. Quantities can be learned from experience, and from watching individual cases; frequency varies within very wide limits, from reptiles which at most may feed once a week and fast for long periods, to the smaller insectivorous birds which require to be fed every two or three hours, and which in the winter dark of northern latitudes must be lighted up once or twice in the night to have the opportunity of feeding. ), the religious revival was a practical failure, and it was not until a century later that the opportunity again came to put any new teaching into effect (§ 20). No certainty has been reached in the interpretation of these passages, but they may suggest to the Christian mind the expectation that the final destiny of no soul can be fixed until in some way or other, in this life or the next, the opportunity of decision for or against Christ has been given. All Rights Reserved. During these constant wars the Greek cities had been steadily decaying; and in the second Punic war, when most of them seized the opportunity of revolting from Rome, their very existence was in some cases annihilated. Facilities for boating are limited (excepting on the Forth), but rowing clubs find opportunity for practice and races on the Union Canal, where, however, sailing is scarcely possible. Their opportunity came with the disaster which befell the Roman army under Valerian (q.v.) to 1300-1234 B.C. Baulked of any opportunity of joining in the main Crusade, Edward, after wintering in Sicily, conducted a Crusade of his own to Acre in the spring of 1271. Often one that happens rarely. The holy Man chose his Opportunity when I was abroad. A strong and capable ruler, he soon established his authority over all northern and western Nejd, and in 1872 the opportunity arrived for his intervention in the east. - The advocates of political cooperation between Serb and Croat saw their opportunity in the constitutional conflict which broke out between Crown and Parliament in Hungary: and on Oct. Every opportunity was created for the students to succeed by providing tutoring services, peer assistance and parental involvement. I'll bet Megan would enjoy the opportunity. This was an opportunity for the artist. He considered himself lucky to have had the, 30. A: Something or someone made him unable to become president, or took away his ability to become president. We have equality of opportunity in our country. Mr. O'Hara seized the opportunity to speak. No, that’s not a bad word. Peace, however, only provided opportunity for domestic conspiracy, with assassination and revolution in view. 9, 1792) finally freed her from the Turk, she waited patiently for the Polish malcontents to afford her a pretext and an opportunity for direct and decisive interference. Had Boulanger immediately placed himself at the head of a revolt he might at this moment have effected the coup d'etat which the intriguers had worked for, and might not improbably have made himself master of France; but the favourable opportunity passed. Several preliminary incursions had been already made, when in 1521 an opportunity presented itself for a more extended expedition. By his divorce from Isabella of Gloucester he offended the English baronage (1200); by his marriage with Isabella of Angouleme, the betrothed of Hugh of Lusignan, he gave an opportunity to the discontented Poitevins for invoking French assistance and to Philip Augustus for pronouncing against him a sentence of forfeiture. In such actions, instead of two crowds opposing each other, the men disperse, attack singly, run away when attacked by stronger forces, but again attack when opportunity offers. He therefore closed his career as a dramatic poet by publishing in 1731 his acted comedies, with the addition of five which he had no opportunity of putting on the stage. On the other hand a framed or braced web afforded opportunity for much better arrangement of material, and it very soon became apparent that open web or lattice or braced girders were more economical of material than solid web girders, except for small spans. If I did, there would be no opportunity for the play of fancy. No reverses to the British arms occurred to keep alive the memory of his lost opportunity, and in 1763 his name was restored to the list of the Privy Council. His opportunity came at the beginning of 1912, and on Jan. Inevitably should be avoided, because appealing Advertising promises at fraudulent Providers in Internet to order. It offered Abd-ar-rahman the opportunity he had failed to find in Africa. The French army proceeded to invade Naples, and Alexander took the opportunity, with the help of the Orsini, to reduce the Colonna to obedience. While this opportunity of educating and training a docile people was in the main neglected, savage abuse of power by their chiefs was prevented. Hippocrates had no opportunity of verification by necropsy, and Sydenham ignored pathology; yet the clinical features of many but recently described diseases, such, for example, as that named after Graves, and myxoedema, both associated with perversions of the thyroid gland, lay as open to the eye of physicians in the past as to our own. Matters were soon ripe for foreign intervention, and the notorious Cyril of Alexandria, in whom the antagonism between the Alexandrian and Antiochene schools of theology,' as well as the jealousy between the patriarchate of St Mark and that of Constantinople, found a determined and unscrupulous exponent, did not fail to make use of the opportunity. An opportunity, however, presented itself: being required to work out from data supplied to him the "defilement" of a proposed fortress (an operation then only performed by a long arithmetical process), Monge, substituting for this a geometrical method, obtained the result so quickly that the commandant at first refused to receive it - the time necessary for the work had not been taken; but upon examination the value of the discovery was recognized, and the method was adopted. The pro-Syrian faction of the Palestinian Jews found their opportunity in this emergency and informed the governor of Coele-Syria that the treasury in Jerusalem contained untold sums of money. Posted by Manjusha.Filed in English Grammar. There seems no reason to doubt that Lentulus was mainly inspired by selfish motives, and hoped to find in civil war an opportunity for his own aggrandizement. Nevertheless the collapse of the empire was a great opportunity for Thiers, and it was worthily accepted. For the first time since my entrance into Radcliffe I had the opportunity to make friends with all my classmates... Alas, woman and child have missed their opportunity to share our company. In his Common Sense About Women (1881) and his Women and Men (1888) he advocated equality of opportunity and equality of rights for the two sexes. The next opportunity proved to be the same jeep road cut off where they'd first seen Edith speaking with the man in the second car, which was now nowhere in sight. It has been assumed that Israel had withdrawn from the great coalition, that Jehu sent tribute to Shalmaneser to obtain that monarch's recognition, and that Hazael consequently seized the first opportunity to retaliate. In the course of the proceedings it was announced that Queensland desired to come within the proposed union; and in view of this development, and in order to give further opportunity for the consideration of the bill, the convention again adjourned. Opportunity seldom knocks twice. But a world without want and without disease, a world with opportunity for all, is a world where getting along—even when we don't see eye to eye—is going to be a good bit easier. opportunity in a sentence. Sentence examples similar to to capitalise on opportunity from inspiring English sources. If you knew all the joy I feel in being able to speak to you to-day, I think you would have some idea of the value of speech to the deaf, and you would understand why I want every little deaf child in all this great world to have an opportunity to learn to speak. More example sentences. Nelson astutely and legitimately seized the opportunity to open negotiations with the Danes. (pass up) " I missed the opportunity of a lifetime. 19 examples: This style of interactive policy implementation gives ample opportunity for… Example sentences with the word equal-opportunity. I ask an opportunity to atone for my fault and prove my devotion to His Majesty the Emperor and to Russia! The British government were on the point of demanding reparation for this act in a peremptory manner which could hardly have meant anything but war, but Prince Albert insisted on revising Lord Russell's despatch in a way which gave the American government an opportunity to concede the surrender of the prisoners without humiliation. In obedience to these they often travelled hundreds of miles in company with, or in the wake of, their intended victims before a safe opportunity presented itself for executing their design; and, when the deed was done, rites were performed in honour of that tutelary deity, and a goodly portion of the spoil was set apart for her. Their social opportunity cost may be close to zero. He never had the opportunity of attempting. As opportunity offers, the narrow streets of the older city are converted into broad, straight boulevards, lined with palatial mansions and public buildings. The blockade of Brest was so strictly maintained that Ganteaume was allowed no opportunity to get to sea. Hundreds of people, and no opportunity for intimacy. 3. Chris Klein 3. Kenya, home to the mobile payments front-runner M-Pesa, has a fleet of startups jumping on this opportunity. Aelius Caesar, who was in a feeble state of health and died on the 1st of January 138, before he had an opportunity of proving his capabilities. The Tyrian trader saw that his opportunity was come, and the Aegean lay open to his merchant vessels. Examples of lack of opportunity in a sentence, how to use it. CK 71240 I'm glad for this opportunity to work with you. The removal of the court to Jerusalem provided a suitable opportunity, and an element of jealousy even may not have been wanting. Frederick was resolved upon a rupture with Sweden at the first convenient opportunity. There are two main varieties; in one luck alone prevails, since the player has no choice of play but must follow strict rules; in the other an opportunity is given for the display of skill and judgment, as the player has the choice of several plays at different stages of the game. But he watched all public incidents with a vigilant eye, and seized every passing opportunity of exposing departures from sound principle in parliament and courts of justice. The doge Dandolo now saw an opportunity to benefit Venice. Answer. 2. Opportunity is defined as an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do or the possibility of doing something. The Sun (2016) So it was a good opportunity to go out … For a long time the Austrian government, by failing to keep the Danube in a proper state for navigation, let slip the opportunity of making the city the great Danubian metropolis which its geographical position entitles it to be. 6. The first mention of amp product called Bitcoin holder sentenced to death in tauiland was in August 2008 when two programmers using the calumniation Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi qualified A radical domain. It was just at the time when Hodson's career seemed ruined that the Indian Mutiny broke out, and he obtained the opportunity of rehabilitating himself. These forelands also offer in course of time an opportunity for endiking and reclamation. The Prussians had seized the opportunity offered by the slackening of the French attacks to rally and deliver a counterstroke, which was parried, after achieving a small measure of success, by the bayonets of the Young Guard. A new opportunity almost immediately arose on the banks of the Vistula. opportunity sentence October 22, 2020 by Uncategorized May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. Thus Sir Bartle Frere wrote at the time: " All accounts from Pretoria represent that the great body of the Boer population is still under the belief that the Zulus are more than a match for us, that our difficulties are more than we can surmount, and that the present is the favourable opportunity for demanding their independence.". During his diplomatic career he had more than once noticed that such utterances were received as very witty, and at every opportunity he uttered in that way the first words that entered his head. The prince, seeing the opportunity for a battle, immediately issued orders for an enveloping attack on Miinchengratz by his whole army, but, owing to distances and the number of units now requiring direction, it was late in the following day before all were in readiness for action. This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company. The new nationalism of 1848 did not deprive the Jews of political rights, but it denied them both the amenities of friendly intercourse and the opportunity of distinction in the university, the army and the professions. opportunity to do something You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end. Howard said axing the pact because of one sector would " have denied this country a generational opportunity to build a stronger future ." Otto failed to take Mainz and Augsburg; but an attempt on the part of Conrad and Ludolf to gain support from the Magyars, who had seized the opportunity to invade Bavaria, alienated many of their supporters. Lamellar Ichthyosis. As representative of Japan at the Paris Exhibition of 1878, he took the opportunity afforded by his mission to study the financial systems of the great European powers. equal-opportunity example sentences. Machiavelli therefore was justified in feeling that here was an opportunity for putting his cherished schemes in practice, and that a prince with such alliances might even advance to the grand end of the unification of Italy. But it is possible that, as suggested by Rowland,' the structure of natural spectra may be too coarse to give opportunity for resolving powers much higher than those now in use. He seized the first opportunity of annexing Saluzzo, which had been lost to Savoy in the last two reigns, and renewed the disastrous policy of his grandfather Charles III. 3. The regulation as to convents seems partly due to a desire to avoid the worry and expenditure of time involved in the discharge of such offices and partly to a conviction that penitents living in enclosure, as all religious persons then were, would be of no effective use to the Society; whereas the founder, against the wishes of several of his companions, laid much stress on the duty of accepting the post of confessor to kings, queens and women of high rank when opportunity presented itself. Transformation of sentences. Finding the United Provinces hampered by a war with England, he seized the opportunity to try to get rid of the impediments placed upon Belgian development by the Barrier and other treaties with Holland. Pampered with commercial prosperity, eaten to the core with inter-urban rivalries, they submitted to despots, renounced the use of arms, and offered themselves in the hour of need, defenceless and disunited to the shock of puissant nations. Dagobert had at first consented to the dying Godfrey's wish that Baldwin should be his successor; but when Godfrey died he saw an opportunity too precious to be missed, and opposed Baldwin, counting on the support of Bohemund, to whom he sent an appeal for assistance. Preaching at the Abbey gave him a valued opportunity of dealing with social questions. Wiki User Answered . The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. He never lost an opportunity, whether in the pulpit or on the platform, of pressing on his hearers that the greatest future for Canada lay in unity with the rest of the British Empire; and his broad statesman-like judgment made him an authority which politicians of all parties were glad to consult. Once Kelly graduated from college, she had a better opportunity to secure a high-paying job. We didn't have the opportunity to prepare for her. In spite of the fact that the separation from Rome had been carried out during the sessions of a single parliament, and that there had been no opportunity for a general expression of opinion on the part of the nation, there of the is no reason to suppose that the majority of the people, thoughtful or thoughtless, were not ready to reconcile themselves to the abolition of the papal Henry supremacy. Example sentences for: opportunity How can you use “opportunity” in a sentence? Lothair, however, came to Rome in person, and took advantage of this opportunity to redress many abuses in the papal administration, to vest the election of the pope in the nobles, and to confirm the statute that no pope should be consecrated until his election had the approval of the emperor. The Turkish triumph was the opportunity of the Bogomils, who thenceforth, assuming a new character, controlled the destinies of their country for more than three centuries. But the ice itself is the object of most interest, though you must improve the earliest opportunity to study it. The topic on Sesame Street was professions, which was the perfect opportunity for Lisa to ask her what Giddon did to earn a living. CK 1955122 I can't walk away from an opportunity like this. An opportunity of retaliating on the nobility was afforded him by the arrival (1 o 1) of ambassadors from Mithradates VI. Sort:Relevancy A - Z. opportunity knocks at every man's door: Everybody gets opportunities. The earthquake at Lisbon, which appalled other people, gave Voltaire an excellent opportunity for ridiculing the beliefs of the orthodox, first in verse (1756) and later in the (from a literary point of view) unsurpassable tale of Candide (1759). 5 6 7. Examples of opportunity and in a sentence: 1. The disorder in Germany after the fall of the Hohenstaufen afforded an opportunity for Rudolph to increase his possessions. "You know," she continued as she scooped grain into a stanchion, "it really galls me that Josh is always encouraging Lori with her work, but he never misses an opportunity to belittle mine. Meanwhile he had tried, he says, to conquer his inclination for the unprofitable trade of poetry, but in the panic caused by the revelations of Titus Oates, he found an opportunity for the exercise of his gift for rough satire. In case of direct puddling and the use of larger charges this conservatism has some foundation, because the established custom of allowing the cast iron to solidify gives a better opportunity of examining its fracture, and thus of rejecting unsuitable iron, than is afforded in direct puddling. The evacuation of Greece by the Romans gave Antiochus his opportunity, and he now had the fugitive Hannibal at his court to urge him on. Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,(sentencedict.com) but the chalice of, 30. Negotiations could only bring the conflict a little nearer, delay it a little longer, or supply an opportunity to either side to justify its action in the eyes of the world. Bolkonski took the opportunity to go in to get some details of the coming action from Dolgorukov. 2- They resolved to seize the opportunity offered them. Dorner maintains that hopeless perdition can be the penalty only of the deliberate rejection of the Gospel, that those who have not had the opportunity of choice fairly and fully in this life will get it hereafter, but that the right choice will in all cases be made we cannot be confident. Meantime, Sulla having left Italy for the Mithradatic war, Cinna's sudden and violent revolution put the senate at the mercy of the popular leaders, and Marius greedily caught at the opportunity of a bloody vengeance, which became in fact a reign of terror in which senators and nobles were slaughtered wholesale. This calamity afforded the American people an opportunity to display their generosity toward their new colony. It did not occur to the emperor that it would be wise to break off the fight now and seek a more favourable opportunity of beating the allies in detail. the removal of the lapis manalis from the mundus, a circular pit at Rome supposed to be the opening to the world below, on three days in the year, whereby an opportunity of revisiting earth was afforded the dead). His brilliant personal courage, his amiability and his loyalty to the cause make him a very attractive figure, but a commander-in-chief of the Vendeans, who came and went as they pleased, had little real power or opportunity to display the qualities of a general. Whatever reforms Josiah actually accomplished, the restoration afforded the opportunity of bringing the Deuteronomic teaching into action; though it is more probable that Deuteronomy itself in the main is not much earlier than the second half of the 6th century B.C.'. Children may even get the opportunity to participate in the show by dressing in costumes and rowing dinghies in a pirate race around the lagoon. Here he obtained his first opportunity of distinction, being attached in the capacity of diplomatist to the mission of Sir Arthur Wellesley to the Mahrattas. It was her responsibility now and having a job would give her the opportunity for a more modern approach to being a wife and mother. 4 people chose this as the best definition of opportunity: The definition of an oppo... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "opportunity" That man is a real political opportunist; he changes policies whenever he thinks it is necessary in order to stay in powerLiving in this town really gives our students a good opportunity to use their English on a daily basis. the midst of the political disturbances which preceded the outbreak of the War of American Independence, offered a good opportunity for a public career, and Morris had the aristocratic connexions which tradition required.'. The extremity to which philosophy had been brought by empiricism on the one hand and formalism on the other was Kant's opportunity. It was his misfortune that nearly all his life was spent in opposition, and he had no opportunity of showing his abilities as an administrator. Elisabeth drove home, so Jackson had the opportunity to observe. 4. The armistice having been arranged, and the opportunity having been thus obtained of electing a National Assembly, Thiers was chosen deputy by more than twenty constituencies (of which he preferred Paris), and was at once elected by the Assembly itself practically president, nominally chef du pouvoir executif. Henderson's next public opportunity was in the famous Assembly which met in Glasgow on the 21st of November 1638. and seized this opportunity of lavishing on the pontiff friendly congratulations mingled with useful advice. The conclusion of peace was welcomed by Selim as the opportunity for carrying out reforms, of which he thoroughly realized the necessity in every branch of the administration, and especially in the army, to whose defects the disasters of the state were due. But when he came across a man of position his instinct immediately told him that this man could be useful, and without any premeditation Prince Vasili took the first opportunity to gain his confidence, flatter him, become intimate with him, and finally make his request. Their opportunity came in 1820, when the Porte was striving to repress the insurrections in Moldavia, Albania and Greece. As soon as the porter heard a stranger knock at the gate, he rose, saying, Deo gratias,the opportunity for the exercise of hospitality being regarded as a cause for thankfulness. Napoleon's opportunity to finish the battle had come at last. Of rendering the tsardom for ever harmless on opportunities created by digital photography such! Of Castile at Aljubarrota, won with English help, offered an cost... And Arabs afforded her an opportunity to point out the upsides, and yet, all she could by... Attacking the Empire, had invaded the Palatinate privileged to have had the opportunity to leave personal. 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