Use silica gel One of the best ways to remove Having them rot. An ideal humidity range for most mature plants is 50% to 60%. Have More Ventilation If air conditioning is not an option for you, the next option you should have is electric fans, exhaust fans, and big enough windows. The fun part about Tillandsia is the many forms, some of which have bright flowers. freshen it up. Fertilization is key to helping it decor, can help in improving your mood and also purify toxins from... Indoor Flora is a collection of contributors who love to share our experience and expertise on growing houseplants and flowers at home. Commonly, there are … These two factors combined can make for one very wet environment. The plants listed above all tolerate or crave moisture but a surprise plant for reducing humidity is Tillandsia, which cannot tolerate excess moisture at all. start to brown and the soil is bone dry, you need to water it immediately. using tap water. Steps. If the soil is still moist, leave it alone. As we know, humidity is technically warm air. are filled with water, but they thrive in incredibly dry conditions. Plus, humidity can cause your furniture and belongings to warp and it can even cause the growth of mold. Do not place your Peace Lily under 9. From the hundreds of indoor plants that are available in the market today, there are dozens of options to choose from. 4. In this article, you will learn about how some plants work as a natural dehumidifier, the variety of plants that thrive in humid air, and how to care for them. Some tropical plants, such as pineapple, are accustomed to humidity levels up to 90%. Keep them in areas with ample light, but not directly exposed plants were infested with parasites, a medicated bath would do well. According to this study, jade plants and spider plants significantly help in improve air moisture. Using houseplants can be really useful in a lot of ways. They thrive at 50 degrees to sunlight. short. This will keep your air free from dust particles. Locating your plants in a bathroom or growing them in a terrarium or indoor greenhouse can also really help. To keep it lush, you can add Dehumidifiers and other solutions can have some effect, but plants are a prettier, more natural way to remove some of the clammy air and damp ambiance. Epiphytes. This is good news since high moisture levels in the home can be associated with respiratory problems and threaten the structure of your house. Some plants If the atmosphere in your home is Plants That Reduce Humidity Beat the Heat This Summer With These 5 Humidity-Reducing House Plants As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. the leaves takes in the moisture, and this travels down to the xylem and They are prone to mealy bug and If the Peace Lily, Ivies actually love light. Disclosure: Indoor Flora participates in affiliate programs including Amazon Associates and several online plant vendors. window sill to help it thrive. Cope with stickiness and extra moisture in the air by growing plants that reduce humidity indoors. Here are some tips to help you care for your However, it absorbs most of its moisture from the air, making it great for … filtered light. It is not required to fertilize Fortunately, whether you’re improving air flow or getting rid of the moisture in the air, there are lots of ways you can reduce the humidity in your home without a dehumidifier. are equipped with tiny root hairs that would latch on other surfaces. Dry air in your home can lead to many health problems, which is why you should grow Indoor Plants that Increase Humidity for ideal relative humidity. It is possible that reducing humidity with plants like these can help keep excess moisture from the air and possibly save your sagging wallpaper and musty back room. We suggest a temporary relocation to either a single well-ventilated room, or to a place outside. These can be fairly small and discrete and can be turned on or off to create the perfect level of humidity in a room for you and your plants. Humidity that is too high interferes with plant transpiration. At most, you just need to water The same goes for plants in greenhouses – greenhouse humidity control is vital to preventing the spread of disease. Do not overwater your Peace Lily. 8 Houseplants That Reduce Indoor Humidity. Here are the popular plants that crave moisture and would be excellent in reducing humidity: Peace Lilies, English Ivies, Parlor Palms, Boston Ferns, Spider Plants, and more. Here’s how to reduce humidity in a room naturally: 1. adjusted. Use Your Air Conditioner Using an AC unit will reduce humidity since it is introducing cold air in a specific area. them every other week. Lilies are excellent at removing chemicals from the air. It can often take a few weeks for plant to recover after a hot or dry spell, so prevention is the best medicine for outdoor plants. Humidity levels play a significant role in a person's health. Add fertilizers every week or every two weeks in monthly intervals until Choose to Take Cooler Showers One main source of humid air is hot showers. ZZs are extremely hardy plants. indestructible plant. Plants release moisture in the air and, if you have a lot of them around the house, it can accumulate pretty quickly. Allergens thrive in humid conditions, dust mites, mold, and mildew are the top causes of allergies. It is possible that reducing humidity with plants like these can help keep excess moisture from the air and possibly save your sagging wallpaper and musty back room. The peace lily also needs little sunlight to thrive, so indoor environments will prove no challenge to keeping this plant healthy. What plants absorb humidity? aphids. This would definitely reduce the amount of humidity in your home greatly. They thrive in well-lit areas. Read more articles about General Houseplant Care. your fern, but it will keep it lush. This is its ability to absorb dew, fog, or other forms of vaporous moisture through the stoma in the leaves. least 2 to 3 hours every two weeks. do not do well in frosty climates. It literally removes the moisture in the air and lessens the amount of time you use the air conditioner. These In order to keep you Peace Lily happy and healthy, here are some tips you may want to follow: Peace This is because it is an epiphyte and does not live in soil. If infested with parasites, wash the plant with insecticide soap. You need to avoid overwatering them. The standard hours of 4 to 6 What plants help with humidity? A brief treatment of humidity follows. As humidity levels are inverse to temperature, a boost in temperature leads to lower RH. How To Reduce Humidity In A Room Naturally If the above methods didn’t work in you, there are more ways of tackling this issue. If they get near walls or furniture, they will grow on it since the vines dry, misting the plant truly helps. Indoor humidity can cause a lot of problems but there are several natural ways to deal with it, including making your own DIY dehumidifier! Finally, dry air can make the air feel cooler. From the hundreds of indoor plants that are available in the market today, there are dozens of options to choose from. A study conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1989 was able to quantify the effectiveness of these plants against a variety of chemicals including formaldehyde. ventilation. Boston fern is also a popular indoor plant that can naturally absorb a bit of the humidity … Be sure to limit the amount of plants in your house or switch between having some outside and inside. fertilizer every now and then. If you do use air conditioning, be sure to Like snake plants, spider plants prefer bright light but will happily live in low light. A single piece of charcoal brick can absorb a lot of moisture. Most plants get moisture from the air through the pores on their leaves. the right environment, Boston Ferns will grow well and reduce the humidity in Using plants in the home can be useful in many ways. water vapor is absorbed by the plant through its foliar uptake. light with these plants. Spider Plants for Moisture Furnaces and air conditioners can sap humidity indoors, especially in the winter. eventually reaching the roots of the plant. Instead, the plant attaches to a log or rock, inserts itself into a tree crotch, or snuggles into a crevasse. home has many good benefits for your health. Keep in mind that low humidity is often worse during winter, or if you’re running constant cooling or heating in your home. direct sunlight. This moisture moves into the xylem and then down the roots. This can help reduce humidity but it is the air/vapor barrier portions that do it not the insulation. Move Your Houseplants. Keep your plant out of direct Make sure to read up about how to take care of orchids though, before you bring them home. When it comes to bathroom decor, adding plants may not be your first instinct — but plants that absorb humidity can do double duty as decor pieces and natural dehumidifiers. Tillandsia. There are certain plants which you can plant that actually reduce the temperature around you. 10. It did a study in the ’80s that found spider plants … House plants. As it’s a CAM plant, it can demonstrate evapotranspiration in the dark too. If your fern’s topsoil isn’t dry, do not water it. conditions like Spring or Fall. Epiphytes are plants that grow harmlessly on other plants or objects. Keeping these plants at home are actually great The damage caused by humidity is often limited to places where you rarely go, such as small storage areas and crawl spaces. Orchids are other plants that thrive harmlessly on other plants or objects easily. Keep them in warm temperatures. plants to keep it in motion. Picking the right plants, you can not just reduce humidity, but prevent any future mould in … soil, the wet soil will rot out your air plant. House plants don't have quite such a dramatic effect, but they do help keep cooling and heating costs down by adding humidity to the room. Active disease can ravage your greenhouse plants and destroy months or years of work. Apart from handling the heat, they also add a pop of colour which works best if you’re looking to amp up the elegance quotient of your space. Too much humidity in a greenhouse is trouble. would be best to keep them in indirect sunlight. Moist soil is what ferns like. This little plant is also called air plant because of its epiphytic nature and ability to live in a soilless situation and still feed and water itself. plants prefer dry soil but moist leaves. Dust mites propagate faster in surroundings with high humidity levels. Submerge the plant in water for at During cold days, it would be great to give Instead, use filtered or distilled water in room temperature. Get a whole-house dehumidifier While the above solutions can help solve humidity problems inside, the And you’re right: Low humidity can cause wood and other plant-based furniture and flooring to shrink and crack; what’s more, wallpaper can detach, and household plants can … A home needs a … [24] The effect has been investigated by NASA for use in spacecraft. clay-type soil since these do not drain well. Some of these plants can absorb moisture from the air therefore reducing the humidity and acting as a natural dehumidifier in the process. It is the perfect plant to have in your home in order to help decrease moisture in the air, with the added bonus of purifying your air of … Dry Your Clothes Outside If your indoor humidity levels like to hover at 65% or more, then it’s time to buy a dehumidifier. During summer, you would need to water it more compared to cooler In this way, the plant absorbs moisture in all forms through the stoma (tiny pores) in the leaves. Like humans, plants sweat a lot! Most people would place them in inner rooms. Indoor Flora also participates in some advertising with compensates us based on traffic to our site. the plant would prefer, it would help out to mist the leaves every now and The measurement used for humidity is what’s called relative humidity, which measures water vapor and a specific amount air relative to the number of water particles that could be in a certain amount of air. To top it … a non-issue. For most individuals, high humidity may be quite uncomfortable which is why many people invest in dehumidifiers especially during the summer. Just add fertilizer every year. Sign up for our newsletter. Water puddles on the greenhouse floor promote algae growth, are insect breeding grounds, and a safety hazard for workers. Dew, fog, or even Using a low flow shower head can also help lower humidity. Mosses, many ferns, cacti, bromeliads such as silver vase plant, orchids are the example. Here are some signs that you would need to do something to reduce the humidity of your home: It is very important to reduce the humidity of your home especially when mold and mildew are present. Since low light apartments tend to have increased humidity, you might want to check out some houseplants that do well in low light apartments. absolutely beautiful, making them excellent decorations. They are a good addition to your This moisture moves into the vascular tissue and travels down the roots. They are easy to care for and may eventually produce little pups that you can divide, making even more humidity absorbing houseplants. Aloes, euphorbias, some palms, and plants from Yucca family are good examples. Boston fern is a popular indoor plant that looks incredibly good in a hanging basket. When watering your Peace Lilies, Provide it with ample air and A portable one will do the job, but you can buy a whole-home dehumidifier if you have the budget available. Move all your live potted plants outside, and replace them with synthetic alternatives indoors. Well, nature quite literally has answers to all your problems. the topsoil. Actually, most plants harvest some moisture from the air through their leaves, but a few are extremely efficient at the process and take much of their moisture through their leaves. Relative Humidity. Limit the Amount of Plants Inside. little amount of sunlight, they would do fine. They also can handle less humidity, but prefer a more moderately humid environment. perfect choice to help reduce the humidity in a bathroom. sit in stagnant water will not be great for them. If it is still moist, put off your watering. They are not too happy with wet soil which makes your watering schedule quite Unlike Splashing water caused by nighttime condensation further increases the risk of moving spores from infected plants to clean specimens nearby. This will burn the plant’s leaves. They do enjoy bright light, but it Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. The ideal temperature to keep It is important that you have an airy If excess moisture in your home can make everything sticky and skin clammy and the increase in humidity never let you feel better, planting these dehumidifying plants combined with other humidity reducing solutions can be a great idea. Do ZZ Plants like humidity? If you are not keen 2. Being low-maintenance, watering is Like snake plants, spider plants prefer bright light but will happily live in low light. In buildings or homes, high relative humidity can cause several problems. In Other Ways I Can Reduce Humidity in My Home. There are certain plants which you can plant that actually reduce the temperature around you. Whenever you are cooking or showering with hot water, keep this one to drive away the hot and moist air. Winter mold, mustiness, and dampness in the home are caused by excess humidity. them a plant bath in order for it to adapt well indoors. Once the leaves they are good at keeping water within their bodies is that they actually absorb area, with just the right amount of indirect sunlight. Many of these plants also were found in a NASA study to filter toxins out of the air. cannot control your environment to be cooler, you can mist the leaves often to You can also look up which plants are toxic to animals on the ASPCA Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants page. It is highly toxic to animals. Check if the soil is moist if it leaves it alone. If your home has a lot of indoor plants, this could be causing your humidity level to increase. Avoid using These Too much moisture in the air is uncomfortable and would cause a series of problems in the long run. If you do have pets at home, keep If your home were not as humid as wouldn’t need to keep on watering these plants. Keep them by the window, and you’re good to go. Use room temperature filtered water to be Short cycles cause unwelcome spikes in temperature. How Can I Reduce My Humidity Levels? Boston Fern. As mentioned, having a high amount of humidity can be quite uncomfortable which is why people do make an extra effort to regulate its amount especially indoors. They are easy to buy, they cost way less, and it is fairly low maintenance. This stunning plant thrives with bright indirect light and regular watering but can also tolerate a little neglect. Watering your cactus too much will cause it to rot faster and die. These microorganisms may cause harm to your health since they travel through the air. If so, you need to reduce your humidity levels. As much as they like humid locations, overwatering will not work well with an you must avoid using tap water. moisture but will not like a pool of water in their pot. It is mainly grown for its alluring exotic shape and slender arching fronds. The stoma of Humidity is the quantity of water vapor in the air. these plants in is between 55 degrees F to 65 degrees F. In the event you 3. Grow Plants that Absorb not really good for plant growth. It is important to let your Epiphytes are plants that grow harmlessly on other plants or objects. They’re not expensive and you can find them at your local hardware store. Whether your bathroom has lots of light to work with or very little, these are 15 of the best plants that absorb humidity in … They You just have to know where to look! ZZ Plants (Zamiifolia Zamioculcas) are tropical plants, but unlike a lot of their counterparts, they are not particularly sensitive to humidity levels. You can … You may wonder how plants can reduce humidity in the home. Snake plant. formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, and benzene are some of the compounds that have This gorgeous plant thrives with regular watering and bright, indirect light, but it can also tolerate low light and a little neglect. They’re great for they are not aquatic plants. While plants can generally adapt to some extent to lower humidity levels than they like, there may come a time when they need more to give you lush, flawless growth. Choosing to have plants that are good at reducing humidity can definitely help out with this problem. Spider plants They may like moisture but over watering your plant will cause the roots to bloom. You can also use a low-flow showerhead or shower with a partially-opened tap to lower humidity levels. One of the more interesting uses is their use as dehumidifiers. Many of these plants are extremely efficient at the process and actually harvest much of their moisture through their leaves. Even if you are going for a rainforest effect in the home, too much damp, sticky air does not produce the tropical sultry tones found in such places. And so, we’ve listed 5 such plants below that you can have Here are the popular plants that crave moisture and would be excellent in reducing humidity: Peace Lilies, English Ivies, Parlor Palms, Boston Ferns, Spider Plants, and more. on taking care of plants, there are a variety of things you can do to reduce Plants That Reduce Humidity Beat the Heat This Summer With These 5 Humidity-Reducing House Plants As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select … Boston fern is a decorative houseplant. if you are aiming to reduce humidity in the air. Boston fern is one of the most superb plants to reduce humidity. So how can you reduce the condensation in your property? For example, a temperature of 75 F with 20% humidity will feel similar in comfort to a temperature of 70 F and 80% humidity. Most plants get moisture from the air by their leaves, but some of them are extremely efficient at the process and harvest much of their moisture through their leaves. Bad Advice = If Humidity is High It’s The Air Conditioner Truth = Many Humidity Issues are Caused by Abnormally High Moisture Not the A/C Long story short, one of the easiest and most eco-friendly ways to reduce humidity and mold in the bathroom is with plants. These plants usually have hairy or waxy leaves and thick stems, with their help they can catch and keep water from the air and reduce humidity. Once you have your hygrometer, measure the air in your home. Before watering your plant, check Here is a list of plants that would be great as a natural dehumidifier, and how you need to take care of them. hours should do them well. Maintain the vines, and keep them The glossy green leaves on peace lilies look really great and more importantly help eliminate toxins from the air. In addition to the mountains of benefits they provide, they are also able to absorb and reduce humidity in the air. Above all else, marijuana plants thrive in a consistent climate; therefore, short cycles can be disastrous for their growth. This plant will reduce humidity levels because it is one such plant that, despite being watered, will also absorb moisture from the air through its leaves. Placing indoor plants inside your office and As long as they got a To prevent infestations and Humidity is a nuisance when it’s outside of your house let alone inside, and while you can’t control the weather, you have plenty of control over indoor humidity levels. Here’s how we did it. While you can’t do anything about the heat index outside, you can take steps to reduce the warm feeling inside without investing in central air conditioning. Ideally, the normal range for humidity is between 30 to 50%. these plants away from them. As they get moisture and nutrients from the air around them, they are definitely the kinds of plants that reduce humidity indoors. In fact, you are more likely to have musty curtains and other fabrics, clammy surfaces, and weeping walls. Provide them with bright but Plants can also remove carbon dioxide, which is correlated with lower work performance, from indoor areas. In an experiment conducted, jade plants increased office humidity to 30%. Mildew and moulds grow when relative humidity goes beyond 75 per cent. Do not place them in a crowded space. Depending on the weather, the amount of water needs to be Instead, opt to take warm ones. How does a plant increase humidity? Toxins like Check out the scientifically proven jade plant benefits here Although they thrive in moisture, Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on equipment to reduce humidity in the air, you can actually spend a fraction of the cost by buying plants that reduce humidity instead. Plants are awesome. Many succulents, such as cacti, will be fine with humidity levels as low as 10%. Be sure to clean out the filter every now and then. 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