So what can happen during meditation ? And while you continue to explore the peripheral vision and the sounds that are around you I’d like to invite you to bring your awareness back to your body…bring your awareness to your pelvis… you might like to rotate your pelvis around your perineum… we do this to bring you out of your mind and down into the body… then bring your awareness to your lower back… to the middle of the back… and then bring it to the breathing in the belly…and just keep noticing the breathing in the belly… and as you do so you might find that you get the sense of relaxing deeper inside of yourself…. You can read about it here: In Jnana Yoga "the Self" is considered pleasure and light, but the pleasure belongs to "the Self", or alternatively, to no one, since "the Self" is a temporary thought. It is body tingling and waves of pleasure. Now if we cast our minds back to the earlier part of the discussion regarding the ecstasy of orgasm being a result of entering a no-mind state then you should be able to see that the description of what occurs in the brain of a meditator is similar to what happens during great sex. The focus of the Sufi’s and Bhakta’s is on prayer. Less sleep is needed due to the Theta waves replacing the need for extensive dreaming. This is due to the alpha frequencies being the closest to conscious awareness. Delving into pain. Have you had this tingling experi nice before? It was already known that during meditation brain wave activity increases in areas like alpha waves. I had a number of these orgasms over a period of the 70 minute meditation. Follow on with me if you like as I describe a meditation session. I love all of your meditations so much!! According to Ayurveda and other Eastern healing systems, each color relates to a specific chakra or energy center in the body, so when you see a given color, it means that healing is taking place in that area of the body. These gamma waves are intertwined with attention, learning, memory, and consciousness. On the contrary if you use your mind to try and create feelings of joy, bliss, love and ecstasy then you will just make yourself tense. The brilliance of success. God wants you to excel. I think I have had something close to this vibrating feeling you speak of, but not to the same extent. Also the right prefrontal lobe which is associated with anxiety quietens down and the left prefrontal lobe which is associated with happiness, joy, bliss, compassion and altruism becomes more active. I think the waves of pleasure your experiencing are the awakening of your Kundalini energy. When you are miserable then God is miserable but when you are happy then God is happy. The purpose of light visualization in Buddhist meditation is to apply mindfulness or focused mental presence to circumstances in which the mind would ordinarily wander, such as when doing the dishes. Significantly, the brain waves of subjects during the activation showed a high incidence of delta waves, indicating that they were in a state of deep relaxation comparable to sleep. New research suggests that the brain displays a similar pattern of chaotic activity during meditation as it does during the psychedelic experience. And any space that you can get to with a drug you can get to with meditation. Did you know that for all the differences between religions they all share some similarities? Listen to the sound of waves and practice mindful breathing. That happens because during meditation our awareness can go to deeper levels. Guidelines for how to approach and experience the passage between lives. It came with a basic set of programs much like a computer but you have to learn how to do the rest. This meditation is also a useful grounding technique. Gold Coast, Robina Australia. Now the general belief is that orgasm is a result of physical stimulation of the sexual organs that fires off activity in the sex centres of the brain. Just think of all of those monks who lock themselves in a dark cave for six months at a time. Now what makes a creative person happy? And the same goes for you and me. In Jnana Yoga "the Self" is considered pleasure and light, but the pleasure belongs to "the Self", or alternatively, to no one, since "the Self" is a temporary thought. Help. So work hard and make Him very happy. The left hippocampus quietens down hence less internal dialogue and the right one becomes more active, hence greater sense of vision and inner silence. If sex or love happens then that is okay too. These three types tend to elicit significantly different EEG patterns (brain waves) and regional activations. In Vedic science, this state of intense restful awareness is known as Samadhi. I have been meditating with Sound Healing Meditation Music(Delta waves) for 45 minutes and started doing it three times a day yesterday, once a day for about 2 weeks maybe. Confirmation for me thank u. I jus started practicing reiki and I noticed that during g my meditation if I put my hand on a chakra I saw the correlating color. We get an amazing body and mind yet most people don’t even have any idea of their potential. If you make a great chocolate cake is it enough to store it in the freezer or do you want people to eat it? If you designed a Ferrari would you be happy if it was just driven to the shops and back or would you want to see it win on a race track? Scientists have measured the brain wave activity of people during sleep. This is going below the mind. And if you were afraid of it, which I suspect I may be. War is a play. But it must have something going for it, otherwise people wouldn’t do it, right? Experiences of demons, the devil etc are related to the right amygdala. Let me also say I'm not experienced in meditation. Light, as I'm talking about it, is any inner light and any outer light. Near death experiences. Other schools simply acknowledge that they occur and do not give them any special importance. Cosmic orgasms. If you have never meditated it must look pretty boring, right? Now if you look at a map of the brain you will see that we have two hemispheres. it's your 'chi' or 'prana' or 'etheric' awakening/moving. Be willing to take a risk. When you higher your vibrations during meditation (by breathing and intend), you start to feel your light (astral, etheric) body (electric sensation). Osho reckons that meditation developed out of an interest in what happens during the peak of sexual orgasm and what happens during deep sleep. I want to leave you with something. There are many phenomena that can occur during meditation, visual, sensational and so on. Wasn’t sure if it was wishful thinking or actually happening. An example of a relatively common physical reaction during meditation is what’s known as a “kriya.” A kriya is a jerk or spasm of the body that while not painful can be powerful. Any of these could be helping you out, but even otherwise, it's not that uncommon to have some Kundalini in your activity. By Eric W. Dolan February 11, 2020. During this experience the mind becomes very quite – it is as if the mind loses its power. The sound of the waves are a … What does the meditator experience in deep meditation? Stories that inspire and motivate us to action. You can choose to go into the energy or not but if you suppress the energy it will come back and bite you in the bum. You enter the stillness between thoughts, commonly referred to as “the gap.” Buddhist meditation methods sometimes involve visualizing or imagining a holy light, but this is different from actually seeing lights. What are your brain waves doing during sex? Taking my background into account, what the fuck could this be? I do wonder if it is the same thing people work hard years to achieve. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Being conscious in a dream. People generally associate meditation with Alpha brain waves, as it is the easiest frequency to achieve in meditation. Recently while meditating, after about 10 or so minutes, I have started experiencing waves of pleasure going through my body. In one study they locked individual students in a basement in pitch blackness. Despite the use of such visualization methods, having visions of actual lights is not emphasized or given any par… A felt presence. Have you ever had the experience in deep orgasm where it feels like you are dying? Physicists tell us that the universe is held together by electrical, electromagnetic and gravitational type energies. You may also experience light-headedness, a tickling sensation, muscle contractions, and other unconscious body movements. Where it feels as if you are disappearing into nothingness and that God is entering you? Uncontrolled gamma waves can cause anxiety, so it was a surprise when (now famous) experiments monitoring the brain waves of experienced Tibetan meditators during practice showed that their gamma waves were actually two to three times higher than the resting level – an extraordinary level of alertness even though they were in a profound, relaxed state of meditation. The focus of the Baul is on love but if sex or prayer happens then that is okay. Application of NLP Model to resolving conflict and creating harmony. If there is sex energy just watch it. I tend toward the latter school. The bottom line on all of them is that during meditation we can sense subtle energies in the body (or even in the energy field around the body). My path is that of meditation. Some schools regard them as a sign of "progress". In a nutshell, there are five major brain wave ranges: Beta (12-30Hz) is present in normal waking consciousness and is heightened during times of stress; the Alpha brain wave (7.5-14Hz) in deep relaxation; Theta (4-7.5Hz) in meditation and light sleep; and the slowest, Delta (0.5-4Hz) in deep dreamless sleep and transcendental meditation. Chasing or trying to control the pleasure can create duality, since its part of non-duality or "the Self". Should you decide to meditate, you can pick a practice to decide the type of brain changes you’d like to experience. you’ve never felt so in love… you feel intensely alive… and the voice continues to speak to you…you know it is not you speaking to yourself… there is a presence…. This seems to be the consensus. That of love and meditation. If you have ever had the experience of a negative felt presence then you will probably find that it was experienced as being somewhere over your right shoulder. tl;dr I have the ability to allow my body to tingle and flow with vibrations of pleasure during meditation but I'm an amateur. We’ve all had orgasms which we know were purely physical and then I’m sure we’ve all orgasms which were totally different – that had a non physical component. Shows you're moving out of your 'normal mind' standpoint. The deep relaxing (friction) breathing helps to move your energy between chakras making the intensive connection and your whole body start to vibrate (you can learn how to consciously move this energy) and how to let it flow. But meditators found that there was something else that occurred to create the ecstasy of sex, and that it was not of the mind or body. ", Reference: The Brain – Engineered for Divinity by Peter van Houten, M.D. I find it strange that I have a pretty significant level of control over this feeling. Neuroscience study finds evidence that meditation increases the entropy of brainwaves. If we give the centre of this energy a name then we get the concept of God and God is usually given credit for creating the universe. It's really confusing. This is an indicator of energy awakening, and needs to be taken very seriously, particularly if the energy awakens in the head area. Or would you want to see people push the computer power to its limits? During the most intense one there was an explosion of light, my body vibrated with intensity, waves of energy moved upwards through my body. This is usually the body relaxing to the point that your nerve endings are letting go of their stress.Some folks twitch, others tingle,etc.It is a common occurrence. During Theta frequency, it is thought that a multitude of characteristics can be tapped into and affected, ranging from creativity and problem solving, to intuition and even physical healing. Indulging in those sensations and trying to recreate them are "missing the point" of meditation, so to speak. Entering into sleep with awareness. The mind is silent - what next? Do you do anything special when you meditate? For a moment I felt as if I was resonating. During meditation the right amygdala quietens down, hence less negative emotions and the left one becomes more active hence more positive states. Seeing colors during meditation is a common, healing experience. I’m super excited about this. Light, as I'm talking about it, is any inner light and any outer light. I have touched the face of God. That's definitely an approach I've considered, though the fact that I'm able to somewhat summon the experience complicates things a little bit - and becomes a question of whether I should or shouldn't dive deeper into the experience. Sexual energy (arousal) may spread throughout the whole body, which can create waves of pleasure, relaxation and whole body energy orgasms, and for those of the spiritual path there is potential to connect to the divine. Over the last 50 years there have been major advances in brain research and neuro scientists have been able to accurately map out what occurs in the brain during meditation. It feels like I could (if I wanted) keep the intensity rising, but I don't ever seem to let it rise past a certain level. May I suggest that it is just the context? In fact we have two brains which is one of the reasons why we experience internal conflict and can be in two minds about something. Beta endorphin release as a natural pain killer. The right hippocampus is associated with no-mind states, positive expectations and inner vision. Thanks for taking the time to reply. reflections… shininess… things lose their names and just become objects… and the separation between people disappear creating a sense of oneness… while you continue to explore the peripheral vision I’d like you to bring your awareness to the sounds that are around you… you can hear the sound of my voice… that is obvious but there are other sounds too... and if you listen really closely you may be able to hear the sound of your own breathing… because you can hear the sound of your own breathing sometimes can you not? To me it seems like a waste of potential to play cards on a computer when you realise what can be achieved. If you designed a fancy computer would you be happy if it was just used to check email? I have done this meditation a few times since. Phone 07 5562 5718 or email me to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype consultation to discuss anything related to NLP, Hypnotherapy and Meditation. The river of consciousness. I let go during the meditations and the affirmations felt so good Like they released a blockage. Benefits Of Meditation On The Brain Eat it, right? Who stands to gain from creating conflict? The students had a bed, food, water and a bathroom but no other stimulation. Meditation helps us to go beyond the mind. Every religion gets into fasting. Enjoy this 5 minute meditation focusing on mindfulness. I felt like I was in Love with everyone It was intense. Sleep meditation. Don't get caught up anywhere. 4.9 Hz - Induced relaxation, meditation, introspection, and a deeper sleep. Waves of the above relaxation travelled down my core and out each appendage only to reflected back inwards. For those of you with an interest in spirituality you will know that there are two main paths. 3/22 Tourangeau Cr Varsity Lakes Gold Coast Qld Australia. My advice if you think it will work for you (maybe it will, maybe it won't), and what I've started trying to do, is try to fight with your brain and beliefs to connect meditative pleasure and feeling with light as much as possible. Sex can be used to throw off energy or you can use the energy as a scientist in a laboratory and you can learn how to transform that energy into something higher. And I don't feel like I've earned it, if it is some sort of 'progression' of my meditation (which some sources seem to indicate it may be). How did you deal with it if so? Ricard claims meditation is the secret to his blissful success. During a tantric massage we will move the energy in the body to release any blockages or tension allowing the energy to flow more freely throughout. Authentic happiness. “Meditating is like lifting weights or exercising for the mind", Ricard told the Daily News. It'd be good to hear from any of you that have had a similar experience, and why you think you're able to experience it. You are God’s creation. What does it mean to let go? So what is the difference between the religious experience and the scientific experiment? 2 hours paradise tropical beach with relaxing sounds of waves. We can feel subtle energies that we normally don't notice. Though for most of my life I have practiced turning off my thoughts when going to sleep - as I've always had a mind that races (particularly when going to sleep). The BBC's Matt Danzico reports on a US neuroscientist who is scanning the brains of Buddhist monks in the hopes of understanding the science behind tranquillity. The right amygdala is associated with survival instincts: fight or flight, fear, anger, rage, aggression and negative emotions. You don’t NEED a beautiful environment to meditate, but you can sure enjoy it when it’s available. When the mystics talk about religious ecstasy what was their actual experience? Thanks for the insight. It is not that you have to do anything to attain these positive states. I know a lot of people feel stress, I would consider myself someone who lives with a lot of it. With meditation we practise bringing awareness into our life. 4.5 Hz - Brings you into what is referred to as "the Tibetan state of consciousness", a state of meditation. He was Professor of Philosophy at Jabalpur University in India until 1966, and he is a pretty amazing Psychologist. 'Ve only been dabbling for the last year or so to achieve on Friday night you will see that normally. Throughout my body, but you have never meditated beyond 20 minutes before, so kudos for such... 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