Boneless chicken breast comes in sizes ranging from 4 to 8 ounces. When raising our backyard chickens as the food supplier for our family, we have two main methods: caged (using chicken coop) or free-range. Daniel Nebdal made a great, right answer. Great: it is a fun thing to do and a very absorbing hobby, also it can save you a lot of cash too. Nice! It’s up to you. There are 3 of us living in the house. I’ve varied from three to thirty birds, and I’ve found my personal favorite flock size is about five or six. So if you and your family are getting by on a carton of eggs per week from the grocery store then two or three hens will definitely be enough and four will be plenty. Live chickens can be shipped, but usually they are shipped as chicks. One rooster can serve anywhere from two to ten hens. Anyway, I picked up a case of chickens from Sam's, it weighed about 57 lbs.. It’s easy to put together a cheap and basic chicken coop for three hens. It's possible to make money with chickens even if you only have a small flock. Now, how many chickens you need for a homestead do you actually need? Please try again. We have about 15 laying chickens now but need to get some cornish hens. The space needed by chickens depends on whether it’s free-range or … Some people buy new stock every year or two and send the old birds to freezer camp (aka the soup pot). In 1874, the breed was added to the Standard of Excellen… Other times, foraging in your garden is best. They prefer space to roam, rather than confinement, although sometimes they need to be confined. Let us discuss the technicalities. 5 of that usually comes in the form of a broiler chicken and the remaining 5-7 pounds is an assortment of beef cuts. A chicken run should have a minimum of 10-square feet per chicken. Or is it best to keep both kinds, those for eating and those for laying eggs? The kids get attached to the birds, so it works for this time in our life. Updated: April 14, 2020. I’ve been raising chickens for meat for a while now, but I do remember how confused I was at the beginning as to what this whole project is going to require. BUT, you can't hatch an egg every weeks, incubating eggs individually isn't very much practical. However, in achieving this purpose, knowing how many chickens to keep at one time is very important so you won’t break the bank instead. Simply because they can reach 12 pounds of weight in just 6 to 8 weeks. During winter, they lay better. Chickens are perfect for a sustainable homestead. Chickens are social animals, and need to have at least one or two other chickens around. I like to bring in two or three new birds every year or two depending on how many “spaces” I have available in our 12 bird coop. Just using the breasts or the whole chicken? The average rotisserie chicken is about 2 pounds. If you have the space you can keep your retired hens and add new layers to your flock. Raising chickens in the backyard can not only be a lot of fun but can also help a person to earn a bit of extra money on the side. I figure 1 lb. There are a few ways you could go about this. With your chickens, lots of variables will play in to how many eggs you will get from them. No way to stop the eggs, but I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding someone who wants them! It is critical for meat chickens to continue to get a high quality feed, so consider the grass as a supplement. Is there a chicken with a good temperament that is considered a good layer for it’s duration as a layer “and” good eating after it’s laying term? The first thing you need to know is that raising meat chickens is actually a seasonal thing. Welcome to our Raising Chickens 101 Guide, a series of chapters especially geared to helping beginners! I dont know anything abour Red Rangers but if they were tough i bet they are not meat chickens. How Much Space Do Chickens Need? I have to say I agree most of your article! So, you have this idea to keep chickens. When deciding which chickens to buy, this is something you will want to check for each breed you are considering. Thank you. Deciding how many chickens you need can vary depending based on a lot of factors. These meat chickens are grown in our backyard. By adding a few chickens at a time you can find the ideal flock size is for your personal circumstances. I think I’ve just now got it figured out. A family of six? Dark meat comes from the thighs and drumsticks. Almost a year since I’ve lost any! Unless you’re brooding chicks, you don’t need to keep a coop toasty warm, but I do suggest keeping your coop around 40° F. So if you want your birds to produce through the winter (in cold climates specifically), keep your coop’s temperature within your chicken’s comfort zone for … Buckeye chickens are a great choice if you live in colder climates, for example in the northern U.S. The question is, how many chickens do I need to feed a family of 4? The only major difference is their feather colors. I still can’t bring myself to ever eat one. Keep in mind, however, that the golden comet produces brown-colored eggs. So, we have to ensure the “profitability” of this project.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'backyardchickenchatter_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',103,'0','0'])); Let’s assume we have a family of four, each member is going to eat at least one chicken per week. Check out this post for some suggestions on where to purchase them: After that, he selectively bred the resulting chickens for barred plumage and legs that had no feathers at all, also called clean legs. Expensive and relatively small, only up to 7 pounds and take 16-20 weeks before you can harvest the meat. Or you are hoping to breed your own stock. Depends really on the time of year. However, they grow relatively slow (16-21 weeks harvest time) and need large amounts of food. Top Reasons Why Hens Lay Soft-Shelled Eggs! Want the best of Farming My Backyard’s chicken wisdom compiled in one easy to access source? Or you realize maybe chickens aren’t right for you after all. You are standing in the feed store starting at all the adorable fluffy chicks, wondering how many you should bring home. As chicken keepers, we want to do an eggcellent job when caring for our feathered friends. There are minimum standards laid down in the Codes of Welfare for the welfare of laying hens and meat chickens. I am living in Panama and have started raising chickens for the meat. As far as needing a floor, it depends on what type of housing you offer for them. See the complete list of chicken breeds for meat here. But yes, some space is still required. Remember also, that most vaccines come with warning labels advising to not butcher poultry that have just received shots (they tell you to wait anywhere from 15 to 60 days) – not ideal for meat birds. Older hens that have stopped laying aren’t very tender though. Meat-type chicks are usually purchased on a straight-run (males and females mixed) basis. For bone-in chicken, plan on ¼ of a chicken … I can only say after receiving the five worn out hens and setting things up for them,if you are having, or getting thoughts about getting old chickens, you don’t need to worry ABOUT IT! If you are raising your own breeding stock, you will need to include roosters in your flock. Sign up for the Backyard Orchards email course today! However, not recommended if you are aiming to build a commercial meat business. Because we choose to raise our meat chickens GMO, soy, and corn-free, we purchase our feed from Blue Sky Organics, through my local co-op here in Phoenix. Hi, my name is Mike! There was an error submitting your subscription. They are specifically made for meat chickens. Location. It can be a good idea to replace 1/3 to 1/2 of your flock each year, so you keep a range of ages and maintain a healthy flock structure. Starting an egg business? Then you will only have to go through the process twelve times a year. It can lay between 250 and 300 eggs per year, so it can easily supply a family of four assuming each member eats 1 egg every day. For them a better choice is small one that can be quickly refreshed in the evening after work. A homesteader who works full time doesn’t necessarily want to spend their weekend mucking out a large chicken coop. The answer is a sounding yes. The question is, how many chickens do I need to feed a family of 4? 55 Best Chicken Coops For Practical People, Three Rare Chicken Breeds You Need To Raise, Predator Proof Chicken Coops: A Simple Way To Protect Your Flock, I have 12 now and each one has a name! My first thought was to have the chickens primarily for egg laying, but now I'm considering raising some for the meat, if you know what I mean. But this year they aren’t laying as much as they used to, and you’re thinking about buying a few pullets. Because the fast maturing birds bred to produce meat are ready very quickly. Hi Kip! Maybe about 10 chickens? Once you’ve had them for a while you may find that there are certain design features of your coop that you hate. And that doesn’t lessen as they get older. should feed about 3 people? So, is achieving those numbers actually viable in your backyard? One chicken egg will give us 4.9 grams to 8.2 grams of protein. Probably around six young laying hens. so you can pin it to your Chicken Board!! Build the chicken coop or cage at about 3 sq ft (0.28 m 2) per chicken. If you want one type for both purposes go with a large, heritage breed. However, what you need to keep in mind is that you will probably be raising a higher volume of meat chickens than egg layers, so your coop size will need to increase dramatically. As a basic rule of thumb you can plan on having three chickens per two members of your household. Some producers prefer to raise only pullet chicks (females). Which breed you select, the age of the birds, climate, lighting, stress, nutrition, coop conditions and such all play a part. At the start of the week, you need one 14-week chicken (for now), one 13-week chicken (for next week), and so on - down to one 1-week chicken and an egg; ideally hatching just as you slaughter this week’s chicken. A recommended choice for both commercial meat businesses and backyard chicken growers. Breast: 54 grams of protein, or 31 grams per 100 grams, Thigh: 13.5 grams of protein, or 26 grams per 100 grams, Drumstick: 12.4 grams of protein in one drumstick, or 28.3 grams per 100 grams, Wings: 6.4 grams of protein in one wing, or 30.5 grams per 100 grams, It’s easier to raise caged/coop chicken, the mortality rate of free-range chickens are double that of caged chickens. Chickens need shelter from the outdoor weather and predators. My flock is of varying ages, so we don’t get as many eggs as we would if they were all first year layers. I choose to go with a Cornish cross for my meat chickens because I need to raise between 75 and 100 birds per year. It was in 1869 that D.A. However, don’t forget that there’s another viable source of protein we can get from our chickens: the eggs. Approximate Weight: 7 lbs. The resulting birds were shown in Worcester, later that same year and are considered to be the ancestors of the modern Plymouth Rocks. A flock of about 12 is perfect for me too. Great: it is a fun thing to do and a very absorbing hobby, also it can save you a lot of cash too.This article will tell you how many chickens you need for your family. Comes in below 35* and goes off at 45*. If this is your first time getting chickens I recommend you start with a small flock. For backyard chickens, you can feed them with supplemental foods including leftovers to supplement commercial pellets and reduce costs. And if you have more and can rotate that’s even better too. If you’re strictly sticking to feed, 100 pounds of feed will sustain about 15 chickens for around a month. I'm trying to get a handle on how much meat to buy so that I can give my sister an estimate on costs. If you don’t go through many eggs, and just want a half-dozen or so per week, I don’t recommend keeping a single chicken. Below is the protein content of different cuts of chicken: So, let’s say our average chicken can provide 170 grams of protein, divided by 4 people, it’s 42.5 grams of protein per person. This is a great article, it’s been really helpful. I live on ten acres and could potentially raise this many birds at once if I wanted to use the space. However, for bulk meat like boneless thighs, we will figure by the pound. Easier to manage since you can use devices like chicken feeders and other food and water devices. Did I do that right? 4 x good laying hens have the potential to produce over 2 dozen eggs per week. There are many many farmers who don't feed their chickens an oz of grain and their dressing out weight at 16 months is between 4 and 7 pounds. The Cornish cross breed is extremely popular if you are raising your backyard chickens for producing meat. They are easy to raise as they require very little space and cheap to maintain. If we give them 6-8 square feet per chicken, that would be 60-80 square feet, total. How to Raise Your Own Meat Chickens. Below is a Pinterest friendly photo…. Processing Time: 16-20 weeks. But more is better! Obviously, the first step in raising chickens for meat is to get your hands on some broiler chicks. One of the best egg-layers around, and great if you want free-range eggs. I won’t even eat fried chicken in front of mine! One chicken egg will give us 4.9 grams to 8.2 grams of protein. But one of the first questions you face is how many chickens do you need? Yes, even older chickens who aren’t laying can be great fun to keep around as pets and entertainment. I raised my first batch of meat chickens (also known as broilers) 8 years ago. You can also purchase a rotisserie chicken to use in your recipe. All animals need to have enough space to carry out their normal behaviours, and to be physically healthy. Probably around six young laying hens. Bresse. In chicken tractors that are moved daily, a floor is not necessary. Eggs from free-range chickens are richer in omega-3 and have less cholesterol than caged eggs. The average rotisserie chicken is about 2 pounds. One that gives the best of both eating and laying hen or chicken that isn’t pissed off all the time? Chickens and other meat birds love to eat grass, weeds, and bugs and leave their nitrogen and phosphorus-rich manure behind them. What are the best types of chickens for our goals? Can 16-20 chickens. Summer they want in high heat, but we make sure they have fresh, cold water daily. However, don’t forget that there’s another viable source of protein we can get from our chickens: the eggs. One meat chicken will eat about 15 pounds of food in the course of their life (about 12 weeks), so hopefully that will help you plan ahead as you estimate how much chicken feed you’ll need. We shore up their runs and coops with bales of hay and each coop has an infrared heat lamp, on timer. This, will translate to 208 chickens and 1406 eggs every year. I'd like to receive the free email course. I would like to eat chicken 2 or 3 times a week. I hope you’ll stick around for advice and inspiration on how to live more fully on less. Everyday First Aid for Backyard Chickens! Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "abdabab78fbda0586c4daa85f541d009" );document.getElementById("e8cc9fcdcd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Here on Farming My Backyard you can expect advice on simple living, urban homesteading, and living a more eco-friendly life. I had been buying organic chicken whenever possible (which was difficult because our local grocery stores didn’t carry anything of the sort, so it meant a longer trip to a health food store to buy chicken… Set up coops or cages for your chickens. You can also purchase a rotisserie chicken to use in your recipe. The good news is, many people keep their own chickens and have successfully supplied their families with meat and eggs. Depending on a number of birds we are housing, we do occasionally need to add an additional feeder to make sure all of the birds are getting adequate feeder space. If you thought humans only need personal space, then no, chickens need it too! Keep in mind that bantam breeds are smaller chickens and need less room than regular sized chickens. So, is it possible to raise your chickens to feed a family of four? Or if you are allowed a rooster you could raise your own dual purpose breeds such as an orpington. The number of chickens that you will need, depends mostly on what your personal needs are. Are Chicken Eggs With Blood Spots Safe To Eat? The males can reach 5 pounds in just 14 weeks. You could keep a flock of six laying hens for your weekly eggs. How I make $1,000 a month from just 15 chickens! A purebred originated in the U.S. and can reach 11 to 13 pounds on average, making it ideal for producing meat. For lighter breeds, like the White Leghorn, chickens that are allowed to forage outside during the day should have at least 3 square feet per bird, so a 4′ x 8′ coop could house 10-11 birds. By choosing the right breeds for your area and marketing them correctly, you can make up to $250 a week from your flock. We are getting our first flock tomorrow! You can raise three batches of Cornish cross chickens in the time it takes to raise one batch of heritage breed chickens. I had roughly 20 lbs. At absolute minimum, the birds will need 3 square feet of indoor space (including 1 foot of roosting space), and 10 square feet of outdoor space. So, how much protein is contained in a whole chicken? And you find yourself wondering, how many chickens do I need, anyway? We cover how to get started raising chickens, chicken breeds, building coops, baby chick care, protecting chickens from predators, collecting eggs, and more. All 38 unique nutrients meat birds need each day at the proper levels are included in the bag, no need to supplement. I am hoping one of the buffs is a rooster. Just wondering, we want to start out with 3 or 4 chickens, and we are vegan so… is there any way to not get eggs? Hi! Lesson #1: Free-Roaming Meat Chickens are a Myth. Go with as many birds as you can adequately house! Relatively fast growth although they have fairly small sizes. Chickens are similar to pets in that they need care and attention. However, one should learn a bit about chickens and find out what he or she is getting into before investing in chickens. If you eat chicken once a week you’d need 52 throughout the year. It actually depends on a number of factors. Family of 4 we want to start raising chickens and need some advice. Join the free email course and learn how to start gardening (even if you have a black thumb!) So how many chickens do you need for a family of four? A broiler chicken should be fed high protein complete feed. Benefits of Using a Chicken Tractor. I don't track this as well as I should, but I would guess that our family of four eats about 10-12 pounds of meat per week. Others buy unsexed chicks, which are typically cheaper. Also, pretty decent egg production with 150 eggs per year. , What is the breed of the white chickens with black speckled feathers in the picture at the top of this post? Many people replace their chickens every 2 or 3 years to compensate. How much feed do chickens need? Chickens need a safe coop with a minimum of 4-square feet per bird on the inside. Congratulations! Therefore, think about how many eggs you currently buy now each week and then simply do the math. Learned a lot since those six . At night, they need protection against predators, so they should be kept in a chicken coop or shelter. And the answer may change for you depending on your goals or management styles. How many chickens do you need for your family? So we are starting small with 6. In some cases, you might find that you need to raise 50, 100, or even 200 chickens in … This is going to be dependent on your location, but to be safe, I would start out with 1 gallon of water per day for every 3 chickens. So, let’s say the average is 6 grams. (There are many different breeds that are good layers). How to Start From Day-Old Chicks. Someone who uses a few eggs a week for baking will want fewer birds than someone who is eating a paleo or low carb diet. Can harvest the meat sure you won ’ t necessarily want to check for each you... Ground regularly, assuming that you will want to start with a flock... Bit about chickens and need some advice you actually need did the maths,! 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