The early work focused on the location of coal seams, local economic development, and transportation to markets in the United States and Europe. Geographic research since the 1970s has been more analytical and has often used mathematical programming models, because such studies have emphasized optimal coal development and shipment patterns, power plant siting, the response of the industry to technological change, growing environmental constraints, and electric utility deregulation. Behavioral economic geographers focus on an area's people and their decisions to study the economy. Economic Geography. Cities were seen as problematic legacies of an earlier age – congested, polluted, atomized, and anomic, and a brighter future was predicted, with teleworkers relocating away from urban blight to live networked lives in idyllic isolation. The term ‘alternative economies’ describes an array of processes of production, ownership, labor, exchange, and consumption that differ from those of the mainstream economy. The economic geographies of cyberspace are arguably the most important and problematic spatializations to understand. Second, the size of the discipline might have had an influence. And while this new economy might be imagined to be ‘footloose’, not tied to particular locations, what has instead emerged is a new set of uneven economic geographies, a new distribution of core and peripheral economies, new riches and new forms of poverty – all of them mapped onto space (and cyberspace). Get help with your Economic geography homework. download free Economic Geography project topics and materials THE EVOLUTION OF POWER IN THE GLOBAL COFFEE VALUE CHAIN … Quantitative economic geography (the use of mathematics to conceptualize economic geography and advance propositions about the nature of the observable spatial economy) emerged in economic geography through research on location theory and spatial interaction during the 1960s. Critical economic geography is the final topic of study. Explanatory roles of such factors as labor and labor institutions, governments, … This field may be physically contiguous, in the sense of a hinterland. R. Peet, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. Furthermore, in the modern world, ideas backed by political, cultural, and economic resources are transmitted among power centers in the specific ideological form of discourses that are legitimated as scientific, and backed by resources that are recognized as productive, such as capital investment. Sign me up. Discover librarian-selected research resources on Economic Geography from the Questia online library, including full-text online books, academic journals, magazines, newspapers and more. So, here is a list of geography dissertation topics and projects topics on geography. Nordic economic geography has a strong position both internally and externally, particularly, when it comes to analyses of innovation and post-Fordist economies. Given the diversity of perspectives that fall within a school of ‘relational’ thinking, the discussion highlights not only a general approach that has dominated an earlier wave of studies but also an alternative set of approaches that have come into ascendance of late. The United States and China alone account for almost half of the world's coal consumption. The field of economic geography continued to grow as European nations later began to explore and colonize different regions around the world. This was an early example of modern economic geography because it explained the economic development of cities based on land use. These geographers look at local development as well as the relationships that specific regions have with other areas. Choosing a topic for a Geography Research Project (Hypothesis testing): Isolate topics to specific areas in the Geography CAPS content, for example: Climate and Weather: (An analysis of weather data over a longer period) Geomorphology: (A study of processes and factors influencing flow patterns in local stream/rivers) Settlement Geography… It is also important in developing nations because the reasons and methods of development or lack thereof are more easily understood. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. The contemporary version of the discipline is now highly variegated, with research conducted on a wide front, and reflecting the changing and expansive character of what has increasingly become its object of study, global capitalism. During the latest decades, keywords in the economic geography research have been ‘innovation’, ‘knowledge’, and ‘learning’, in different ways analyzing the importance of territorial agglomerations for the innovativeness and competitiveness of firms and regions in a globalizing economy. Browse the list of topics below, see what the appropriate research level is, and then contact the professor associated with it for more details. Today economic geography is still a very quantitative field that mainly focuses on topics such as the distribution of businesses, market research and regional and global development. Then look no further! Economic Geography Dissertation Topics This is the area in economics academic literature that is concerned with the role of geographic location and place with the economical outcomes. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Economic Geography is the study of how people earn their living, how livelihood systems vary by area and how economic activities are spatially interrelated and linked. In the United States, e.g., coal mining has gradually shifted westward, because the economic advantages of that region's extensive near-surface deposits and lower sulfur content have increasingly outweighed the greater distances from electric power plants and other markets. The coal reserve base is even more geographically concentrated than that of natural gas, with the United States, Russia, China, India, Australia, and Germany accounting for 77% of the world total in 2002 (Table I). Urbanization and expansion of big cities. In addition to studying these different topics, economic geographers also often study very specific themes related to the economy. How has cyberspace impacted on and in different places, producing not only new opportunities but also new inequalities? European coal mining in the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, and Russia, in contrast, has felt the greater brunt of acid rain and global warming restrictions, along with declining economics. The study involves analyzing how the produced valuables are distributed among different society members to make society a better place. What is required to combat this double marginality is a theoretical framework that diverges from the conception of the alternative economy as local and intentional. Military geography: History and development. Full information on how to apply for our research degree programmes: Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil), and Master of Philosophy (MPhil); and … Critics argue that this new industrial sector reduces all of human activity to codable, sellable data, mined through the many electronic actions, interactions, and transactions many people participate in daily, from web-surfing behavior to credit card transactions. While both approaches use mathematical reasoning to develop their theories, regional political economy is distinctive in its association with Marxian political economy; its conclusion that the capitalist space economy is not self-regulating but exhibits persistent out-of-equilibrium dynamics; its treatment of the spatiality of political economic processes as endogenous rather than exogenous to those processes; and its rejection of logical empiricism in favor of sociospatial dialectics. D. Bell, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. In addition to the presence of these resources, explorers also documented the trading systems that the people native to these regions engaged in. History and Development of Economic Geography, M.A., Geography, California State University - East Bay, B.A., English and Geography, California State University - Sacramento. While there has been considerable excitement around the idea of alternative economies, and especially noncapitalist economic activity, the alternative economy remains a marginal concern because of the underlying and frequently unspoken spatial ontology that governs its academic (and popular) representation. It is possible to argue that these characteristics are a factor in explaining why Nordic scholars in economic geography have been particularly interested in the analysis of how networked relations in various industrial systems help create stable specialization patterns, and how innovation and competitiveness emerge from interactive processes with a markedly localized component. These are all concepts that see innovation as a socially embedded process, underlining the importance of ‘noneconomic’ factors, such as history, culture, and institutions for economic development. First, part of the readiness to grasp these issues might be seen as a consequence of some specific characteristics of the Nordic setting: the small size, general openness, industrial structures, and relatively high levels of prosperity of the economies of the Nordic countries. Arts Home > Geography & Environmental Studies Home > Ideas for Student Research Ideas for Student Research. Health geography II‘Dividing’ health geography, Progress in Human Geography Rather, economic geography is more like a palimpsest, with previous versions and approaches to the discipline continuing to remain at least partially visible in present incarnations. In advanced modernity, governance policies and practices are conceived by experts in institutions concentrated in a few power centers, global cities that exercise power in world space. The study of economic activities in geographical terms is the main theme behind any dissertation topics in economic geography. In the first approach, the alternative economy is simply imagined to be something other than a presumptively dominant capitalism and its associated systems of governance. The various Commission chairs have come from the UK, Australia, Italy, Korea, and New Zealand and the annual meetings have enjoyed considerable support from German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, South African, and Australasian economic geographers. Quantitative economic geography (the use of mathematics to conceptualize economic geography and advance propositions about the nature of the observable spatial economy) emerged in economic geography through research on location theory and spatial interaction during the 1960s. They particularly concern the understanding of learning, differentiating between various forms of knowledge, their interrelationships, and their relations to space and place. A second understanding of the alternative economy coalesces around an epistemic break which posits the economy as an always already and intrinsically heterogeneous space. Furthermore, centers of power can be classified as belonging to three main types, according to the dominant purpose of their leading institutions and the type of power they initiate: (1) economic, meaning that their leading institutions deal primarily in money, as with financial markets, investment banks, or corporate headquarters, and transmit power as control over investment and financial expertise; (2) ideological, meaning that institutions deal in ideas produced at the level of theory, as with universities, research institutes, and foundations and transmit power as scientifically justified ideas, rationalities, and discourses; and (3) political, meaning that institutions construct and enforce ideas in practical formats, as with government and governance centers that transmit power as policy. Similarly, analyses of energy, water, and food distribution at a range of scales can show how resource availability has less to do with the raw productivity of ‘natural’ systems and much more to do with the ways in which commodity systems are socially organized. Topic Description :The urban geography, particularly, the cities and the regions are a developing point of research within the departments of geography at UK’s leading universities with rising number of the researches being performed to address issues such as in the post-industrial era, the urban development of urban-ness and the … Contemporary economic geography has seen a theoretical centering of the relationship among neoliberal governance, economic globalization, and capitalist development. New research themes are also emerging, ones that focus for example on financialization, consumption, the knowledge economy and sustainable development. The information economy, moreover, produces a new division between the ‘high end’ services and the ‘low end’ marginal activities that support and enable them, such as component manufacture or data processing. Choosing the right topic can help in impressing the teachers and getting better … G. Bridge, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. Some of the elements … Economic geography should recognize the multiplicities of connection, its joints, hinges, and folds with the noneconomic, its “trailing ands,” as William James once put it. Globalization is also extremely important to economic geographers today because it connects much of the world's economy. Research Topics. This has especially become evident in the close cooperation that exists with other heterodox (evolutionary and institutional) economists in the area of innovation studies. Gibson prefigured this, in a way, with his fiction’s emphasis on corporate control of information – his heroes are often hackers trying to access data held in corporate hands, which they can then sell on into the informal informational economy. From the outset the alternative economy is seen as socially insignificant and thus unworthy of scholarly attention. One is the Marxist economic geography of the 1970s, which introduced subjects such as regional inequality, technological development in capitalist societies, and social consequences of industrial closures. These themes include the geography of agriculture, transportation, natural resources, and trade as well as topics such as business geography. However, they may also be counter-hegemonic in that they differ fundamentally by offering alternative ideas backed by their own varying constellations of experiences, modes of interpretation, and intellectual, if not financial, resources. This research has been conducted in close cooperation with colleagues from other disciplines, together forming an internationally strong Nordic innovation research. Critical resource geography (1) accounts for the political, economic, and cultural processes by which particular components of the natural world become produced as resources, and subsequently proliferate through the economy in the form of commodities; and (2) examines how the biophysical and material properties of resources influence the social organization of their production. However, economic geography is not only limited to defining the relationship between economies and their physical space, but also with the interaction of their variables surrounding the nature and extent of economic activity. Contemporary economic geography that, particularly in Sweden, takes a dominant position has been developed from two sources. Taylor and Francis Group Facebook … Methodological… earth-space rain attenuation prediction for lagos at ku band; spatial analysis of site suitability for waste water treatment plant in kano metropolis, nigeria; an assessment of the perception of local farmers on climate change in ido local govt area of oyo state Economics Business and Finance; Economic History and Measurement; Energy and Environmental; Health; International; Labor Economics; Macroeconomics; Market Structure and Industry Dynamics; Productivity, Costs, and Technology; Urban and Regional Economics; Studies by Sector; Geography Economic Geography… The article begins by providing a historical context for the rise of relational economic geography, situating it as a response to empirical trends as well as the limits of past approaches. This second approach not only represents the economy as a field of difference but possesses the potential to reconfigure scholarly research within economic geography. To begin with, each power center concentrates resources (capital, ideas, and expertise) from a broader ‘field of power’. These legacies provide the foundation for a ‘critical resource geography’ which engages questions of knowledge, scarcity, governance, and sustainability that are at the heart of modern human geography. Peripheral power centers are sub-hegemonic in that they basically support, while modifying, the ideological positions taken by central institutions. The question within this research program is whether to see neoliberal capitalism as a single force defined by its regularities, or as a referent that describes a variety of relations between the state and the economy (see Harvey’s A Brief History of Neoliberalism). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The consequence is that the emphasis on noneconomic factors of regional development has missed the opportunity of mutual exchange with social and cultural parts of the discipline and that economic geography has lost some of the social engagement characterizing its roots in the critical geography of the 1970s. When creating a paper on economic geography, you will need to do deep research on a chosen topic. This article outlines the constitutive features of relational economic geography. 10) Explores ways in which economic and social changes affect the well-being and development of subnational, regional economies. Still, economic geography as a subdiscipline … K. Simonsen, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. Regional economic geography looks at the economies of specific regions around the world. Economic geography continued to grow in popularity throughout the 1950s and 1960s as geographers attempted to make the subject more quantitative. Rosenberg, Mark , 2015. GEOG 567 Research Seminar: Geography and Economic Development (5, max. Or it might be ‘virtual’ in the sense of position in a world wide web. Currently, only the United States, India, and Australia seem intent on using most of this resource base. List of issues Latest articles Partial Access; Volume 96 2020 Volume 95 2019 Volume 94 2018 Volume 93 2017 Volume 92 2016 Volume 91 2015 ... Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Yet cities still exist, even dominate; they have, in fact, become more important, more concentrated, even as they have sometimes become disembedded from their immediate environs. Economic recovery and development following the war led to the growth of economic geography as an official discipline within geography because geographers and economists became interested in how and why economic activity and development was occurring and where it was around the world. Geographically, while there is a strong focus on the UK and Europe, cluster members have worldwide interests (including China, Brazil, India and the US). Economic geography is important in developed nations such as the United States because it allows researchers to understand the structure of the area's economy and its economic relationship with other areas around the world. Each new framework, however, has rarely eradicated the previous one. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Each power center can be thought, in and of itself, as a place, in the sense of a cluster of interconnected institutions, or what might be termed an institutional complex. Suggested that old geographical formations, such as business geography projects topics on geography on it be. A Certificate of Advanced study in geographic information systems ( GIS ) not everyone with a job in is... 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