Nor do you need to make 40 60 ppl to agree to travel all over high sec to establish continuous farm. Much of the best mining in Eve is done in null – but not just any null – in null space owned by a sovereignty(sov) holding alliance. they mined now for future enough and now they nerf and start attack^^”, “looks like… goonsswarm people working as developers. All you need to do to fix Rorquals is to limit them to 1 around 1000 km around an asteroid. Most rorquals make anywhere from 80 to 100 mill an hour. The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. approximately how much isk/hour? Most were between 10km and 15km away. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Capital Industrial Ships bonuses (per skill level): 5% reduction in fuel consumption for Industrial Core 3% bonus to Shield Command Burst effect strength and duration 5% bonus to Mining Foreman burst effect strength and duration 10% reduction in Drone ice harvesting cycle time 10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage, and ore mining yield Role Bonus: ISK: 65.22b: 163,904: 4.16b: 190,832: 94.0: 13,678; Ships: 209: 9,517: 2: 122,922: 99.1: 13,678; Points It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. That’s about the same as hisec incursions. After rorq boosts, it's over 4,400m3 per minute on paper. I guess if you rorqual mine 24/7 you could plex 20 accounts, but who does that? Eve IPH – Eve Isk Per Hour is a comprehensive industry program that can help you calculate all the required materials for a given blueprint, bonuses for building, time it takes to mine based on skills and boosts, refining bonuses, as well as help plan out construction plans and shopping lists. This won't touch Highsec mining. How in hell can you plex 20 accounts with a Rorqual? The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. So my shitty fast rorq test already hits twice that figure on the field. Youre forgetting the OP was solo mining in a rorq. Delivery In 5 minutes! Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Eve Online mining ISK per hour Mining efficiency does not strike as high. After the extraction period has passed, the refinery owner has a period of time to detonate the moon ore chunk into a mineable asteroid field … What this means is that alliance takes over space which is either unowned or owned by someone else and installs system structures called a Territorial Claim Unit (TCU) and/or an Industrial Hub (IHUB). Super ratting does not make 200m per hour, it makes around 330m per hour! For the sake of simplicity three fits are supplied here; a max tank fit which will slightly reduce ticks while giving you some buffer, and a max tick fit which will sacrifice that extra buffer for an extra 15-30 mil per hour. Enough to safely crash all the mineral prices in the game once the afkers in the drone regions get to work. Suddenly 40 bombers from your static appears. Also the orca is even better than before now and will continue to be used in HS and that can compete with a fleet in tow. Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. Rorquals on the other hand are nigh invulnerable. EVE Isk Per Hour (EVE IPH) is an industry program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, invention, reactions, and mining. Evepraisal looks at a recent (around 5 minute delayed) market orders to estimate prices for items. EVE IPH is the most comprehensive industry program in EVE … You can never have enough Titans. They try to orbit asteroids, which can greatly increase travel time if they finish a cycle on the opposite side at their long activation range. Most rorquals make anywhere from 80 to 100 mill an hour. This will generate billions of isk per hour for multiboxers, and the risk will be tiny considering the rorqs can be cyno'd around citadels, logged on after a scout sets up bookmarks, and logged off after pulling in infinity ore. You have to make each excavator mine each individual rock as they finish the previous, so it's like a lite version of carrier ratting. My favorite are the Radar or Combat Sites (Complexes, Plex). I have, and its more than one mission every 20 hours, not unless you want to go at it for a while. There is no way a Rorqual should be able to plex 20 accounts. 11 hours, 48 minutes, 20 seconds Level 3 1 day, 4 hours, 5 minutes, 50 seconds Level 4 2 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes, 20 seconds Level 5 6 days, 14 hours, 40 minutes Level 6 15 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds Level 7 1 month, 7 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes, 20 seconds Level 8 Mercoxit m3 per hour = 2400 * 60 * 60 / 84.29 Mercoxit m3 per hour = 102,503 m3 fuzzwork Mercoxit ISK per hour = ( Mercoxit m3 per hour ) * 974.14 Mercoxit ISK per hour = 99,852,528.17 * (reprocessing factor in highsec 0.72) Mercoxit ISK per hour = 71,893,820 Mining Yield By Ships. With a click on "set" the table updates with your specific values. uh rorq boosts have always been better than HS mining and yet people still do it and it provides the vast majority of minerals to the market. What you trade for yield in highsec you gain in safety. This was in a sparse belt with rocks popping relatively quickly. Virtually everything in EVE is player built, using resources gathered or salvaged by capsuleers. Some involve more risks but deliver greater profit per hour. But life, uh, finds a way. You might have to do a ■■■■ mission once every 20hrs just to keep agent above -2. The calculations in the chapter above lead to the following table: ISK per hour for highsec ore using a Hulk In light of the recent buffs to nullsec mining, below is a look at ore in both highsec and null, though the highsec results are inaccurate as the Rorqual has been designated as the booster, which cannot fly in highsec. Yes null sec bots supported by alliances are a thing. price 8.530.307.654,85 ISK) These prices below are based on Jita prices which we captured at 11/25/2020 12:00:31 Item Supers can’t possibly be making only 200m/h. Very annoying, since having 5 excavators out meant not having other drones out to slap them off. If you are a beginner who has just finished the first game missions then you better take care of your own safety in the cruel world of Eve. After rorq boosts, it's over 4,400m3 per minute on paper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Super ratting makes 200 mill an hour. Currently, there are 600 trillion ISK on the active accounts in EVE Online, which in ISK to real life money value translates to around 18 million USD. Solving the security and logistical issues could leave a small fleet of multiboxed rorqs huffing a staggering, dizzying, insane, unprecedented amount of nullsec ore. It appears when I recalled the drones, I didn't get partial cycles full of ore, which sucked. new bros can just join a corp that has these boosts and proceed as usual to make there isk and skill up for better yields/ships. The Rorqual is the only ship that can use Excavator Mining Drones, which can mine insane amounts of ore compared to even the best mining barge. Carrier Ratting has long been regarded as the beginning of the endgame for making ISK, with Rorqual mining and Supercarrier ratting being the only conventional means of making more. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Mr Abelardo Center for Advanced Studies Gallente Federation 0: Posted - 2015.11.28 14:00:20 - - Quote. Pretty much an admission of botting if you do that. Nor is your farming hindered by a single cloaky camper in system, unless you have a backup of 40 people in far, far more expensive ships. A single character can now mine around 1.5 mil m3 of ore every hour, which can translate to roughly 200 mil in ISK. I have 1 rorq pilot and 4 hulks alt accounts I mine 1-2 hours and make around 400 mill if im unhindered and mine good ore hardly enough to plex one account. people already run combat sites in rorqals, this has got to be more profitable, perhaps even more fun. Blitzing burners is fine, but you have to cycle through a lot and sometimes you cant get a good chain. I was lazy and so they actually killed one (RIP ~200 million isk). My favorite are the Radar or Combat Sites (Complexes, Plex). High-sec mining - 10M ISK per hour Null-sec zone mining - 30M ISK per hour Ice mining 30-40M ISK per hour Wormhole Space Gas mining 50-60M ISK per hour If you would like to find out more about Mining check our complete EVE Online Mining Guide ; Missions - Missions are similar to questing in other popular MMORPGs. Venture mining is advertised to new players because thats literally the best way to get into industry. Stupid changes ... but I believe that right now an extra 5 drones per Rorqual should prove to be an obstacle. However, you can only use the Rorqual in null security space and it costs around 10 billions ISK including a proper fitting and the excavator drones, so it is kind of the end game for mining. Occasionally you will find a Gravametric (Mining) or Ladar (Gas Mining) sites. To use EVE IPH to its fullest potential, you must authorize the application to view your characters' details through CCP's Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication system, called EVE Swagger Interface (ESI). To use EVE IPH to its fullest potential, you must authorize the application to view your characters' details through CCP's Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication system, called EVE Swagger Interface (ESI). Was messing around with it yesterday with average skills and am expecting to get around 200m/hr with travel times ect...Gonna be pretty dope for low class WHs as its gonna be pretty safe to use them more or less solo as long as you don't get suddenly connected to hard Knocks. They are so large you can't fit two full flights in your bay, either (8 max, and that fills the bay). They popped quickly and by the end most were more like 16km to 20km away. Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. …for like 5 minutes, then as vulnerable as any other capital ship. Rats spawned and shot my mining drones. The real change under the hood is that Ice mining is now much more preferable if you’re just looking for raw ISK per hour profit, at least for now. When you finish off an asteroid, I didn't hear a warning, I just saw an excavator go idle. The income can vary from 10M ISK per hour to around 70M ISK if you can deal with Null-sec and Wormhole Space Pirate Relic and Data sites. A large number of Eve isk will give you the necessary protection and powerful weapons, which can defeat even experienced players. Incursions does not spawn after every downtime in front of your citadel so you can farm until your face melts off. The problem with this is it does kill off HS mining. As the materials that can be found in the Radar sites can range in value from 3-15 million per unit. Ratting - EVE Universe is full of NPC pirate ships, usually called "rats". These are boosting ships that the update will change. These numbers are so silly to me… I mean… why is anyone super ratting when they can burner blitz in HS for same money? EVE Isk per Hour - Application Registration Instructions . Will this be multiboxed to death and crash ore prices: Maybe. The preset values are prices from eve-central and the from skill-, fleet-, ship-,etc.-boni, are the maximal possible amount for mining. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If there is already a Rorqual near an asteroid, any other cannot activate the Indu Core or Panic. a lot of what i build are simply faction or t1 ships and most of it gets used up in null. Have you tried it? For sell orders the minimum value is used because that is the lowest price that you can get if you purchase items from a sell order. Telltale story of “can you just leave me alone Rorkual” solo farming in most dangerous part of space,inane levels of isk and some risk. but it isn’t at all clear what activities generate the most wealth per play interval, and how I can know if I’m doing something terribly wrong. Theoretically this would yield more like. It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. never mined, how much is 79.00 m3 of ore? Maybe the max possible as well as a more realistic … Asteroids: Random belt asteroids one jump away from the syndicate test server system. I wouldn’t consider 100 mill an hour as insane, unless you’re willing to say that incursions are insane levels of isk and near-zero risk. EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. you sound like somebody who doesnt realize that the same progression from venture to barge to exhumer will still be here. Micromanagement was a pain and risk is high. If that’s the case, remember that piracy, in one form or another, is always an option in EVE. Mining efficiency does not strike as high. Market Pricing. While this isn’t very much in the grand scheme of things, it does allow for easy multiboxing or simple AFK ISK while your main does other activities. Theoretical max yield per the dev blog is around 18,400 m3 per minute, but that doesn't factor in drone flight time, asteroids popping early, or less than optimal fit/skills (One obvious point: I doubt we will see many T2 drone mining rigs used). - Download EVE Isk per Hour! The limitations of the UI are super annoying - AFAIK no mining hotkey, so you have to right click each drone on each asteroid and tell it to mine repeatedly individually. I doubt one man rorq ops will be a thing (with some corner cases) but it definitely looks like a small-time mineral crash (10-15% long-term maybe) is possible. assuming 400 isk per m3 (average or so between ABC and lower tier ores) brings it to ~211 mil/h. That’s about the same as hisec incursions. now a little bit conspiracy: “looks like… goonsswarm people working as developers. One of the mechanics of null … EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. 2 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes, 20 seconds Level 5 6 days, 14 hours, 40 minutes Level 6 15 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds Level 7 1 month, 7 days, 9 hours, 13 minutes, 20 seconds Level 8 2 months, 29 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds Level 9 7 months, 1 day, 21 hours, 50 minutes Level 10 As a rule, it amounts from 5-6 mil ISK per hour (Veldspar mining using one ship in high security space) to 60-70 mil ISK per hour (null security space mining on Hulk with all skills at 5 and Rorqual’s bonus). The Income Calculator for 'Gas' calculates your income for each mineable substance in eve-online.You can set the price and your own mining skills. Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. Mining in fleets with boosts can earn 15-20 million ISK per hour or more, depending on the resources being harvested. Less of an issue with enormous asteroids, big issue in this belt. The amount of time it takes to mine 1 Billion ISK worth of Ice is now shorter than 1 Billion ISK worth of ABC ores. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. what i is see is… rorqual is more and more useless to earn isk. I mine in null, and import compressed veld for trit, because trying to mine all the trit you need for caps only using null ores is shit. As the materials that can be found in the Radar sites can range in value from 3-15 million per unit. Meanwhile, mining in a Venture is still promoted to new players, and that will be a bad path to take, far worse than it is now even with the CODE ganking. EVE Isk per Hour - Application Registration Instructions . Fit: 1x T1 industrial core, 3x T1 drone mining rigs, 3x drone navigation computer II, 5x excavator mining drone. And since were talking drones, only maintenance is to change oretype. Maximze your Industry Potential! Some involve more risks but deliver greater profit per hour. But in terms of order of magnitude rough approximations, you're looking at a single rorq hitting 100-300 million isk per hour, with potential to scale up when multiboxed. Maybe the max possible as well as a more realistic … Virtually everything in EVE is player built, using resources gathered or salvaged by capsuleers. Your ticks in this ship skyrocket from the 16-20 million ISK the Gila and Dominix offered, all the way up to 50-55 million ISK. Eve online Isk The main game currency is Eve Isk. a full fitted rorqual cost around 7-10billion and bring you 90-120million / h. a carrier costs maybe 2billion and bring you the same isk / h… O'Rorqual: 334 ships destroyed and 80 ships lost. I am just starting out and am just wondering how much ISK you can make say per hour of solo mining in High sec. But in terms of order of magnitude rough approximations, you're looking at a single rorq hitting 100-300 million isk per hour, with potential to scale up when multiboxed. The length of extraction is directly related to the amount which will be extracted, calculated with 20.000 m³ per hour of preparation. Yes Null sec has its own risks and costs. Everyone should be familiar with Altrue’s EVE Online Careers Chart. Buy EVE ISK at best prices. With perfect skills in a standard Venture, you can expect to earn approximately 75m ISK per hour, per venture. It is a terrible mistake to measure your success in EVE Online in wealth (ISK + the ISK value of “stuff”) per Hour. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. HS mining will still be relevant because there will always be carebears that will just complain about CODE and make their passive income. It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. For buy orders the maximum value is used because that is the highest price that you can get when selling items to a buy order. Don't think that even a Porpoise in HS is going to be feasible. Finding your own style is important since boredom will keep you from logging in to play. It’s bringing way too many Alts to the game, and making it unfun. Yield: I pulled in about 79,000 m3 of ore in 9 minutes, or ~8,794 m3 per minute. Compressing in your own bay while you mine is a neat trick. You can also check a complete EVE Online Exploration Guide if you are interested in learning more about this part of the game. At the end of each month, CPP Quant runs a series of carefully crafted queries on the man EVE database, extracting a … Since I don't have the support of a major alliance - this is far more feasible. So basically, 4 toons with each rorqual, can mine a super in about 18 hours playtime. 90 Mill is nothing shake your head shot, especially when you're doing it with one account and very little interaction. The Rorqual was conceived and designed by Outer Ring Excavations in response to a growing need for capital industry platforms with the ability to support and sustain large-scale mining operations in … If that’s the case, remember that piracy, in one form or another, is always an option in EVE. i've never exported ore to hsec, everything gets used up in null. Incursions does not spawn after every downtime in front of your citadel so you can farm until your face melts off. What a ludicrous idea. No clue, I think benefit of rorq is that u can make WAY more isk per hour minimally tending to a few rorqs than u can by micromanaging a few hulks. There's no way to compete against it in an open sandbox like EVE. I burned a couple agents because their standings went below the threshold with me, even though my Caldari empire standing is like 8.0. My drones got up to 525 m/s, and had a base of 200 m/s, The activation range of the drones is very long (6,250 meters) which helps offset they extremely slow travel time. Nor is your ship 10 times more expensive than an incursion ship. NERF the rorqual. Please use this forum thread , join the EVE IPH Discord Channel or email to ask questions, report bugs, or provide feedback and feature requests. Eve Online mining ISK per hour. Finding your own style is important since boredom will keep you from logging in to play. Rorquals on the other hand are nigh invulnerable in many circumstances. Very annoying. depending on what i’m mining 60-90 ml an hour with all lev 4-5 skills. Fun factor: Mining in fleets is often a very social activity. This means that a single character can mine the equivalent of carrier in around five to six hours. Specified market details for fitting (Est. For comparison: A max yield hulk pulls in over 1,900m3 per minute before boosts. Currently, to build a carrier, it takes around 1.1 bil worth of minerals. I have an alt corp that builds capitals from highsec belts. For comparison: A max yield hulk pulls in over 1,900m3 per minute before boosts. For mining purposes, the important structure is the IHUB, as it is what allows the improvement of a null system so that mining anomalies spawn. Occasionally you will find a Gravametric (Mining) or Ladar (Gas Mining) sites. We do our best to find people in dire need of an ammunition delivery. Or it will be the WINGSPAN fleet that has been camping the system for 20 days decloaking at 2001 meters. I am just starting out and am just wondering how much ISK you can make say per hour of solo mining in High sec. Ore prices right now varry from like ~200 isk per m3 for high sec ore to ~400 isk per m3 for null ore, but there's huge variation depending on compression/refining/ore type. I've heard 150mil/hr, but I've never moved in a rorq so I couldn't confirm. Ratting carriers are extremely variable in their fittings and can be customized in countless ways. As a rule, it amounts from 5-6 mil ISK per hour (Veldspar mining using one ship in high security space) to 60-70 mil ISK per hour (null security space mining on Hulk with all skills at 5 and Rorqual’s bonus). Keep you from logging in to play build a carrier, it 's over 4,400m3 minute! If that ’ s the case, remember that piracy, in one form or,! 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