. Where some would label the DSM-5 as a promising innovation to classify mental disorders (McCarron, 2013), others are opposed to using the DSM-5 altogether (Frances, 2013), arguing that it contributes to the medicalization of normal behaviour (Spence, 2012) as well as to the stigmatization of people with mental disorders (Ben-Zeev, Young & Corrigan, 2010). In Germany the ICD-10-GM (the German modification of the ICD-10) is the official classification system for the encoding of diagnoses in inpatient and outpatient medical care (Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information, 2014). Research paradigms: Overview of methodologies. (2004) use the indicator ‘Trialability’ we formulated this as ‘The possibility to experiment with the DSM-5’, which could be incorporated as one of the statements to be complemented by the participants using the 7-point Likert scale. The methodology and model we developed can be used to investigate the tendencies to adopt or reject the DSM-5 in additional European Member States. For our study we will adopt a post-positivistic research paradigm, which is a value-free research paradigm based on empirical observations (Neumann, 2014). In the Netherlands the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) has been the leading classification system in clinical practice in recent years, facilitated by the fact that health insurance companies require a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis before treatment costs are covered (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie, 2014). And though we acknowledge the fact that the DSM-5, just like previous editions, is still very much contested (Frances, 2013; Lane, 2013; Nemeroff et al., 2013), one could substantiate the claim that the DSM-5 can be seen as a promising innovation for bringing uniformity in the classification of mental disorders on a European level. ...The Silent Attack of Osteoporosis Prior to data collection, we need to operationalize the 21 indicators of our model, as displayed in table 1, into measurable, empirical and quantitative entities. Only when we combine several ranked items, we get a more comprehensive multiple indicator measurement.” This means that when we sum up the 21 numerical scores on the Likert scales, we can reasonably treat the outcome of this summation as a continuous variable, which can be subjected to statistical analysis. A (post-)positivistic research paradigm assumes the existence of an objective, universal truth, and embraces the assumption that knowledge can be obtained through a process of quantifying concepts, followed by the verification and falsification of hypotheses by conducting statistical analyses (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). Particularly, the field of mental health has faced, and is still facing, challenges in establishing uniformity and homogeneity in the way mental health indicators are defined and measured throughout Europe (Polanczyk, de Lima & Horta, 2007). The outcomes of our study can contribute towards creating an understanding of what clinicians in France, Germany and the Netherlands seek in a classification system for mental disorders, and to what extent the DSM-5 fits these criteria. The determinants of Greenhalgh et al.’s (2004) model on the diffusion of innovation, and their equivalents that will be used in the new DSM-5 model (own figure). As a person ages, calcium and phosphate may be reabsorbed back into the body from the bones, which makes the bone tissue weaker. By juxtaposing the models, one will be able to quickly compare the countries in terms of which indicators/determinants play a role in the adoption or rejection of the DSM-5, and also how strong the influence of each of those indicators is. For instance, where Greenhalgh et al. In France, how strongly do specific indicators contribute towards either the rejection or adoption of the DSM-5 amongst clinicians? And through comparative evaluation, both between and within countries, one can produce scientific knowledge about the causes of ill-health and consequently develop more effective methods to cure disease, care for the sick and promote health (Czabanowska, 2014). Here are some examples of research proposal topics: 1. It is also relevant to students who are applying to external bodies for postgraduate research funding. At EssayLib.com custom writing service you can buy a custom research paper on Epidemiology topics. (2010). Based on the findings from Greenhalgh et al. The DSM-5 is the most recent revision to the DSM-classification system, in which substantial alterations to specific disorders and fundamental conceptual changes were introduced (McCarron, 2013). To answer these questions, we first refer to Neumann (2014, p 234): “Likert scale measures are at the ordinal level of measurement because responses indicate only a ranking. (2013). Per indicator, the most frequently given response will be expressed as an arrow, and incorporated in the individual country models as illustrated in section 2.2 of this research proposal. An objective approach by the research team throughout the different stages of the study is a necessity to safeguard the truthfulness of the study’s outcomes. Cohort studies can either be prospective or retrospective and can be used to calculate the incidence of a disease and the relative risk of developing a disease. • Research question: Does an entirely plant- ... Clinical Epidemiology: the essentials. (2007). The aforementioned steps can all contribute towards the minimization of non-response bias (Penwarden, 2013). Table 2 provides more information on the remaining statistical procedures that will be used to answer the two final research questions. By assigning numerical values to the ordinal answer categories on the 7-point Likert scale, we can calculate an overall ‘tendency to adopt the DSM-5’-score by taking the sum score of the 21 indicators. In Germany, how strongly do specific indicators contribute towards either the rejection or adoption of the DSM-5 amongst clinicians? Groves, R.M., & Peytcheva, E. (2008). An example of what the comparison of the different country models could look like, based on fictional research results, is illustrated in figure 4. The student’s written thesis proposal is evaluated by the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). We aim to publish the results of our study in the form of a scientific article in the ‘European Journal of Public Health’. The psychiatric oligarchs who medicalise normality. For the current study, various determinants from that model will be incorporated in a new model that aims to specifically describe the relative contribution of several determinants towards either the adoption or rejection of the DSM-5 amongst Dutch, German and French clinicians. As a response to the unwanted influence of past DSM editions, French psychiatrists and psychologists have since developed some of their own classification systems, such as the. – RQ5. Internal validity will be ensured by carefully monitoring all procedural steps of the study, in an effort to minimize bias. Approval to conduct the current study will be sought from relevant ethics committees in France, Germany and the Netherlands separately. Heterogeneity in definitions, classifications and coding practices of indicators across Member States endangers both the validity of comparisons and the inferences following these comparisons (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2008). Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA). We narrow the scope of the current study by not incorporating all the determinants Greenhalgh et al. As the current study includes participants from France, the Netherlands and Germany, we need to find adequate ways of phrasing each statement in several languages. The first purpose is to inform the community about the outcomes of the current study. If this is the case, we will rephrase statements and conduct additional pilot tests. Identifying why the new DSM-5 is being adopted or rejected produces valuable insights on what further action to take in working towards the realization of a uniform classification system for mental disorders in Europe. It may be used by PhD students as an example of the length an d form at of a past, accepted proposal , but it One in every ten deat… Advantages of Creating a Complete and Well-Formulated Development Project Proposal. At this conference we will present the outcomes of our study, as well as provide a platform for further discussions and brainstorm sessions on how to create more unity in the classification of mental disorders in Europe. Collaboration between the authors and developers of the ICD and DSM has led to more overlap in terminology and diagnostic descriptions over the years (Ginter, 2014). The outcomes of the current study can also guide the debate on what role the DSM-5 should play in realizing a uniform classification system for mental disorders in Europe. Ginter, G. (2014). The National Cancer Institute (NCI) frequently receives questions from investigators for examples of successfully funded grant applications. Background document. In this context, according to Durkheim, the main types of suicide are the following four (as they are presented in Figure 1 below): a) Anomic suicide, b) Fatalistic suicide, c) Altruistic suicide and d) Egoistic suicide. (2004) hypothesized as having a potential influence on the adoption decision. This means that the ‘tendency to adopt the DSM-5’ score most likely doesn’t incorporate all factors that truly contribute to the decision of adopting or rejecting the DSM-5. dissertation littã©raire madame bovaryCreative writing degrees london.Essay pte academic. 3. The DSM-5 and the art of medicine: Certainly uncertain. Our international research team will then set out to further develop the dissemination strategy and sustainability strategy (CHAFEA, 2012a). 1 Sample Research Proposal Resident: John Smith, PGY2 Research Mentor: Jane Doe, MD, Section of General Internal Medicine Date of Proposal: February 5, 2009 I. Payne, J.M., France, K.E., Henley, N., D’Antoine, H.A., Bartu, A.E., Elliot, E.J., & Bower, C. (2011). A common example for an analysis using NHANES data is where the unit of analysis is the person while the subpopulation is adults ages 18-64. Measurement validity refers to the notion that a test truly measures what it purports to measure, to the extent that inferences made from it are appropriate, meaningful and useful (Gregory, 2011). Informative and useful indicators include the prevalence, incidence and disease burden of various disorders and diseases. Environmental determinants of an infectious disease 2. Some have argued that using the DSM-5 can even be dangerous (Kelland, 2012). Peytchev, A. Figure 3. In developing our model, we make the assumption that each of these 21 determinants can contribute towards either the rejection or adoption of the DSM-5. Our study aims to obtain insights in what moves these clinicians to adopt or reject the DSM-5. There are indications in the literature suggesting that the advantages (and disadvantages) for clinicians from using classification systems in general, and the DSM in particular, distinctively differ from the advantages (and disadvantages) for patients (Derksen, 2012). Behavior, evolution, and public health 4. On the other hand, the subjects in cohort studies are selected on the basis of whether they have a certain risk factor/exposure or not and are then followed over time to observe for the development of the outcome/disease (Mann, 2003). The knowledge obtained from our study has an important role to play in guiding the debate on how to classify mental disorders, with the eventual public health oriented goal in mind of working towards a uniform classification system on a European level. (2014). This includes mental health care professionals with backgrounds in clinical psychology and psychiatry, but also primary care physicians, paediatricians, occupational therapists, neurologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses (APA, 2014; Cassels, 2014; Schmitz, Kruse, Heckrath, Alberti & Tress, 1999). Student complaints procedure In the Netherlands, how strongly do specific indicators contribute towards either the rejection or adoption of the DSM-5 amongst clinicians? In the following subsections we will address possible issues with regard to validity and reliability, and how we aim to address them in the current study. Diabetes Mellitus is one of the current challenges to public health that has not gone unnoticed by many, presenting a burden and prevalence that continues to rise. (2010). – RQ4. The aim is to further develop our proposed model for France, Germany and the Netherlands separately and to develop an understanding of which determinants contribute to either the adoption or rejection of the DSM-5, and how strong the influence of each determinant is. The first, on fathering after divorce or separation, The worldwide prevalence of ADHD: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. We aim to capture the essence of each indicator in an open ended statement that directly applies to the participants’ personal experience. What are the differences between clinicians of various clinical disciplines in their overall tendency to adopt or reject the DSM-5? The forum can also facilitate the further development of ideas for future research and the creation of research alliances. who have been asked to submit a research proposal as part of their application for admission to a research degree. Since in France, Germany and the Netherlands registration in a national registry is mandatory for most health care professionals, either directly or indirectly via local associations (Bundesärtzekammer, 2015; Council for healthcare regulatory excellence, 2012; Rijksoverheid, n.d.), utilizing these registries will enable us to identify the vast majority of relevant clinicians, minimizing sampling bias in the process. Informed consent will be obtained from participants once the survey is accessed through the online platform. For instance, where Greenhalgh et al. Accompanying the article, a designated online discussion forum will be available to discuss the findings of the study. Diagnosing mental disorders in primary care: the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) as screening instruments. Table 2 provides more information on the remaining statistical procedures that will be used to answer the two final research questions. – RQ6. Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects. The purpose of dissemination is twofold. Research Proposal Sample 2: PhD research proposal John Smith, Autumn 2009 Proposed supervisor: Hugh Grant Computer support of creativity in music compositionfor cinema and television Overview My research will be at the junction of three areas: creativity support, musical composition and human-computer interaction. Additionally, we set out to investigate if clinicians view it as their task, and therefore their responsibility, to contribute to the usage of a uniform classification system in Europe, and if so, if this influences their tendency to adopt or reject the DSM-5. Ministerie van Volkgsezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. Different kinds of proposal examples are created to ensure that a proposed development project will be introduced and presented in the most appropriate and appealing way possible. The type of emergency described in the above case is an, ...on hand washing Lastly, we incorporate France, a country where strong anti-DSM sentiments have surfaced amongst psychologists and psychiatrists over recent years (Lane, 2012). Kupfer, D.J., Kuhl, E.A., & Wulsin, L. (2013). Figure 4. Alternatively, we aim to publish our results in ‘Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research’. Indicators such as the ‘. What are the differences between clinicians in France, Germany and the Netherlands in their overall tendency to adopt or reject the DSM-5? Its development has been a deliberate, extensive effort to further harmonize the way mental disorders are defined and categorized, while incorporating the most recent empirical insights from clinical psychology and psychiatry. Atlanta, Ga: Dept. The arrows of our model and the corresponding scores on the Likert scale (own figure). What are the differences between clinicians of various clinical disciplines in their overall tendency to adopt or reject the DSM-5? Create a space on the title page for committee signatures, Due to either lack of knowledge or ignorance they engage in unprotected sex. For the purpose of developing our own model, some of the determinants of Greenhalgh et al. Figure 5 illustrates which outcomes on the 7-point Likert scale correspond with the different arrows in the model. A designated project manager will be appointed to be in charge of project evaluation. Your research paper will be written from scratch. According to the latest numbers by the International Diabetes Federation, 382 million people worldwide have diabetes (IDF, 2014). , challenges and prospects discussion forum will be given a 5 week frame. % plagiarized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, is visited yearly by 7,000 low income families to utilize the right communication channels in disseminating outcomes... Overview of the problem was biological, physical, chemical, psychological and. Or postal mail, shortly explaining the purpose of developing our own model, some of the epidemiology research proposal example for. Institutions on health epidemiology research proposal example | topics and Well written Essays - 1000 Words,! ‘ the innovation ’ and ‘ communication and influence ’ in their overall tendency adopt! All researchers will declare to have no conflicting interests to Babesia spp towards. 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